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Get away from it all.

Nickname: tourists

You’re looking for a little taste of freedom – to get away from it all.

You work hard at your job, but you hate your job. It locks you down into a normal life, when your soul yearns to wander free. You want to get far away from everything.

But you can’t. You’re tied into the normal, daily, boring grind. Your job keeps you away from the adventures you crave, but you can’t get to those places if you don’t have a job, and even if you could, it wouldn’t mean anything.

The people in your office know you’re a little weird. Too many hula dolls around your desk. Postcards. Always looking at the travel sites. Asking people what they’re doing for the weekend. Your mind is far, far away.

What the people in your office don’t know is that you’re far more than a little weird. Your soul travels far away.

The more dry and boring your daily life is, the more vivid your fantasies of the next time you’ll get away. When the iron thumb of being a corporate wage slave presses down on you, your spirit travels far, far away.

You know about the Occult Underground, and in some way, you’re jealous of them. They get their mojo from doing exciting, crazy, strange things. You’re not like that. You

Generate a minor charge: Take a day off work. You must spend a full day without working.

Generate a significant charge: Travel to a new location where you’ve never been for a week, which is not part of your job.

Generate a major charge: Travel to a forbidden or very dangerous place for over a month, which is not part of your job.

Taboo: You must keep a job, with regular hours and days of work, not under your own control. The job must be oppressive to you. Furthermore, using any magick to affect or protect your job is always forbidden.

Symbolic Tension: The Sabbatomancer lives for the reprieve from the security and normalcy which she relies upon. Her daily life is given meaning by the few interruptions and exceptions to it.

Blast: Hurls an opponent away from you, propelling them away by an unseen force. The subject is thrown back six inches for every point of damage, in addition to the damage caused, and falls to the ground.

Random Magic: Travel and comfort.

Charging Tips: You’re probably guaranteed 2 minor charges a week, and 2 significant charges a year. You’ll need to save up and skip a lot of significant charges to have any chance of getting a major charge.

Starting Charges: 4 minor.

Minor Formulas

Little Bit of Home
1 minor charge
An object becomes more comfortable or convenient somehow. This is a permanent physical change. This formula doesn’t change functionality in any way, just comfort level.

1 minor charge
A target becomes relaxed, easygoing and comfortable. Among other benefits, this can give anyone a +10% to Charm and Lie rolls against them. This lasts for an hour, or until they’re somehow riled. If the target is already actively angered, this formula ends immediately and the cgarfes are wasted.

Smooth Ride
2 minor charges
Used when beginning a particular journey. Ends whenever you disembark a vehicle or stop moving toward your destination for ten minutes. The journey will be as smooth as possible – lights will be green, winds favorable, traffic light and roads smooth.

Lie Down
3 minor charges
This is the Sabbatomancy minor blast.

Just Like Home
3 minor charges
Gain full and immediately fluency in a language of your choice. Lasts one day. You must be within eyesight of someone who knows the language fluently.

Significant Formulas

Carrefour’s Curse
1 significant charge
Select someone you can identify clearly, who needs not be near you, and pick a place. For the next week, the victim won’t be able to reach that place – coincidences and obstacles will form to stop the victim from getting there. This may or may not stop others, but won’t come into play unless the victim tries to reach the destination. The victim’s travel is otherwise unimpeded – if you keep them from your house, they can travel to the house across the street without problems, but if they try to reach you, it will just be impossible. The coincidences and obstacles will become more obvious the harder the victim tries to reach the place.

Fool’s Journey
1 significant charge
Select a person, place or thing that you’re seeking and start travelling. You’ll be taken on a path toward your destination. It won’t be the most efficient path, however, or even the most comfortable. It will be the most interesting path. This can cause a lot of troubles (or, more optimistically, “adventures”) – typically about three significant obstacles or complications before you finally reach your destination. You’ll know instinctively where the next step is, but you’ll need to drive the car, buy the plane tickets, or whatever yourself. You have no particular guarantee of safety or timeliness on your path.

1 significant charge
A single subject within line of sight is compelled to get away from her life, departing as soon as possible without explanation. Practical necessities are discarded by the target, who will seek out a vacation or relaxation of some kind immediately. The target will wander, seeking out places of interest, for at least a day.

Go Away
2 significant charges
This is the Sabbatomancy significant blast.

Around the World and Home Again
4 significant charges
You are immediately transported to your home. Specifically, you’ll arrive in your primary residence, in your bed, under the covers.

Major Effects
Temporarily visit an imaginary or magical place. Transport yourself and your friends anywhere in the world. Send someone away to otherspace forever.

What You’ve Heard
The greatest Sabbatomancer in the world is a waiter in a hotel restaurant in the most common dream vacation spot: Waikiki, Hawaii. He’s set up a shrine in the hills of the island, devoted to the concept of relaxation and reprieve, and acts as a leader and guide for many Sabbatomancers worldwide. He’s also developed a formula to place himself in the travel path of anyone who is travelling, and uses this to meet new prospective students. He loves to meet new travellers and recruit potential new students, because it provides him with a distraction from his miserable eleven-hour days and viciously critical boss. He’s saving up his money and vacation time to make an attempt to scale Mount Everest.

3 thoughts on “Sabbatomancy

  1. TedPro says:

    Oops, I missed out on the last sentence of the description. It should be:

    “You know about the Occult Underground, and in some way, you’re jealous of them. They get their mojo from doing exciting, crazy, strange things. You’re not like that. Your world and your power are seated in discomfort and boredom.”

  2. Michael Keenan says:


  3. Pingback: Fessusurgy (3e) – Unnatural Phenomena

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