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You versus The Wordsmith

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knowing all the different definitons of a word is extremely important.
oh ya want to be like this archetype too ? well it’s gonna be hard.
why ? welp first off i don’t really know the entire path.
sorry ! wait, wait i know a way or two but man there might be more.
a way what ? a way to get to the stratosphere, to really rule the world.
cool you want to know more ok i’ll tell ya
first there is one activity you must begin immediatly,it’s not difficult
what is it ?
get to reading the dictionary for six hours a day and don’t just always read the same dictionary
get your eyes out there on the others
wow stoked ya really seem interested
cool cause heres the other method and dude i heard this one was the most important
check it aside from from the daily dictionary shit you must memorize 25 new words a day for a month straight
now i don’t mean just knowing 2 definitions of a word if there are actually 8 i mean the full 8
ya dig ?

what else will it take ?
dude i already told you i’m not too sure.
but man i heard the old guy your up against was really smart

4 thoughts on “You versus The Wordsmith

  1. 33three says:

    i missplet definitons
    damn i wanted this one to be perfect

  2. 33three says:

    damn now i have misspelt
    definitions twice

  3. Menzoa says:

    don’t worry, you also didn’t set a category, so it’ll disappear as soon as it gets bumped off the “new” list

  4. Mattias says:

    Hmmm, try writing your stuff in word or something else with a spellchecker, then copypaste it in here.


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