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A Veritable Slew of Handy Artifacts

Magick isn’t always about dynamic struggles for power. Some of it is just… handy.

Minor Artifacts

Booster Shots:
These small syringes are filled with Epideromancer Blood, fortified with mojo. When injected into any living host, the effect of the Epideromancy spell Regeneration takes place. Works with all blood types and Rh factors. Also comes in the form of “Rocket Booster Shots” which come in tranquilizer darts for the fastest possible injection time and are backed up with a sig charge, healing damage like a reverse gunshot wound (percentile of roll).

Criminal Crabs:
Small Clockwork Crustaceans. Not so much artifacts as minor clockworks. Wind them up and insert them into the bottom of snack machines, and they will climb up to remove the top-most product, then carry it back down for retreival. They always climb to the top to retreive the snack, so if you want something lower, you’re out of luck. You can, however, choose where to place them, and control which “coloumn” of snacks they take the top of. For stealing liquid refreshment, see next artifact.

Can Openers:
These resemble lobsters as opposed to crabs. When inserted into the bottom of the machine, they automatically climb up and manipulate the vending machine’s parts to cause one can or bottle of product to fall out. There is no way to tell which product is chosen, it seems to be totally random. The lobster then returns for retreival, and if you don’t like the selection you can always wind it up again and set it loose, hoping to get lucky (if you’re a body bag with a charge to spare, you might be able to whip something up to get the lobster to pick right on the first try).

Mind Drops:
These are Fleshworker Tears, carefully collected and powered up. When used on at least one eye, whoever uses the drops experiences all the benefits of the Epideromancy Spell Relentless Will. Great for cramming before finals.

Another Fleshworker recipe, Maniac is a three-way mix between testosterone, adrenaline, and The Flesh Is My Servant. It has all the benefits of anabolic steroids (and some of the drawbacks), but won’t show up on any drug test. It will, however, make the user a bit emotionally unstable until the effects wear off (when they sleep). Oh, and it’s made from… ah… well… let’s just say it’s a hell of a lot easier for male Fleshworkers to make it than female ones.

Significant Artifacts:

Sunglasses At Night:
This is something a Personamancer is said to have cooked up. When wearing the shades, the user is empowered with an instinctive and fairly automatic charm and charismatic overtone, of sorts. The dumb, annoying jock and the geeky nerd alike are both subtly altered and appear cooler than they might, otherwise. In other words, there’s a 20% Charm skill boost for as long as the shades are worn. The downside is that for twenty four hours after taking them off, the user’s rod vision, which influences light sensitivity and detecting motion, is seriously screwed up. Notice takes a 20% penalty for the entire time.

Rubber Ducky:
As long as this thing is in your possession (on your person, that is), you are less likely to drown. You can hold your breath for twice as long as normal (including any ‘extra air’ you might get from a skill like Hold Your Breath). It appears to be a natural artifact.

Shot At Glass:
Drinking whiskey from this small glass will ensure, through some happenstance, that the next bullet fired towards you within the next two hours only grazes you. Nobody knows if an Entropomancer or a Dipsomancer made this, or if they were working together, or what. Please note that if you plan to be fighting somebody with a fully automatic weapon, you’ll have to get VERY hammered to get much use out of the glass.

A lot of the Minor artifacts can be bought fairly cheap (a few hundred bucks) if you can find the right Merchant. The Sig Artifacts are mostly one of a kind, so you may have to kill the current owner if they don’t want to part with it.

2 thoughts on “A Veritable Slew of Handy Artifacts

  1. KriegsaffeNo9 says:

    I like! Quirky but spiffy, and “day-to-day wonder” is a route I love to explore in fantasy, gritty or else.

    I want a crab that gets me l33t sn4xx0r.

  2. Fathomir says:

    I know a place that sells “dead” rubber duckies (black feathers, Xed out eyes, and a tongue hanging out). This would be like the Jesus Fishes and the (rumored) Darwin Fishes relationship.
    What use would it have? Simply tie your enemy up, stick a dead duckie down his pants, and shove him/her off the pier. Course, getting the dead duckie back for later use would be a problem…


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