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There can be only one… uhm… chef.

I have no insights to offer beyond this being related to a Thanatomancy effect of some sort.

Chef dies in sword attack
From correspondents in Paris
May 16, 2005
From: Reuters
A COOK at a Paris children’s hospital was killed in a sword attack by a man he met on the internet, police sources said today.

The fatal attack took place inside the Necker hospital after a disagreement between the 34-year-old victim, who has not yet been named, and his attacker.
“He stabbed him. The security team and one of his colleagues tried to intervene, but were unable to do anything,” said the director of the hospital, Isabelle Lesage.

The attack was carried out with a short Japanese sword, known as a “katana”, a police source said.

“The cook suffered one or more sword blows, particularly in the area of the carotid (artery), which caused a quick death,” a police spokesman said.

A police source said the attacker, a male in his 50s, then went to a police station with the weapon and told police he had just killed someone.

Police said he had been examined by psychiatrists, but appeared to be of sound mind.

“Sound mind.” Except for the whole ‘stabbing a guy’, I imagine he’s right as rain.

2 thoughts on “There can be only one… uhm… chef.

  1. ervae says:

    he just doesnt like the taramasalata

  2. Dionysean says:

    The guy cooked hosptial food, isn’t that reason enough to kill him?


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