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The Man of Iron Will

The impossible can be accomplished through strength of will alone.

Description: The Man of Iron Will is the epitome of humanity’s desire to bend its surroundings to its will. As societies and individuals, humans constantly strive to establish their will upon their environment. The Man of Iron Will, despite the title, can be either a man or woman who takes the next step in the domination of their reality through their willl.

While it would be technically possible to act as though possessing a will of iron, just the pretense would require a serious turn of determination. This path is generally walked by those that desire to impose their will on both themselves and their lives and can follow through, as it is a constant test of will. Displays of this path can be seen in the humanly possible (a meditating monk that can hold a single position for dozens of hours), to the paranormal (moving a pencil without touching it, bending a spoon with one’s mind), to the fantastic (the fighter who is no longer even conscious, but his body still rises to continue on).

Attributes: To the man of iron will, subjugation of reality can always be accomplished, it is only a matter of degree in strength of will.

Taboo: Strength of will is paramount. Anytime an avatar loses in a contest of wills, whether with himself or others, the link to his archetype is weakened. Will is established during any confrontation, physical or otherwise, in which the avatar must not relinquish a stand he takes. Hence, losing an argument, being the first to speak in a fight between friends, losing a fight, or giving up a fight are all things that could be recognized as a loss in a contest of wills.

Symbols: Dependent upon the avatar, but it represents either will or strength. The third eye, walls, iron bars, diamonds, etc.

Masks: Anyone who overcomes great adversity through determination and will alone. Many heroes would display such characteristic determination. It is also channeled on a low level by most people, man or woman, who struggle everyday for a purpose despite adversity, whether athletics, causes, a better life for themselves or children, etc.

Channel 1-50%: Focusing their will, an avatar, with a successful roll under their avatar skill, can gain a +10% shift on any skill roll. The focusing is not an immediate action, so the avatar is incapable of effectively using this channel in situations like combat.

Channel 51-70%: Focusing their will, an avatar, with a successful roll under their avatar skill, can telekinetically manipulate an object with 15 pounds of force within their line of sight, which results in a unnatural-1 stress check for observers. Once per day, with a successful avatar roll, the avatar can force an immediate -/+30% shift on any one skill roll made by themselves or another.

Ex: The keys to the cell are ten feet from him and Kevin needs them. Concentrating, he wills the keys to move toward him. Due to the depth of his focus, however, he is unable to take any other action so is not able to dodge the blow aimed at him by his cellmate, who failed his unnatural stress check and lashed out at Kevin.

Channel 71-90%: The avatar can now bend reality more physically to his will. Once per target, per day, the avatar, with a successful roll, can heal/damage a person or repair/damage an object for the sum total of the dice.

Ex: Kevin is angry, his girlfriend has left him unexpectedly and even taken the dog. A picture left over sends him over the edge and he lashes out, shattering the glass with his will. His pleasure is short-lived, however, as the shattered glass leaves a laceration on his arm. Kevin takes several breaths, reigning in his anger, and wills the wound to heal. The skin closes under his intent scrutiny until a smear of blood is the only trace left of the cut.

Channel 91-98%: The avatar can now force change upon his immediate surroundings as he wills. With a successful skill roll, an avatar can change reality. The subject and target form must be atleast superficially related, so an avatar could change a phone to a plasma television, a wall to a window or a man to a woman; the avatar could not, for example, change a person to a candle or a piece of paper into a car.

2 thoughts on “The Man of Iron Will

  1. Unknown_VariableX says:

    That’s pretty good, all things considered. I keep thinking that there should be some kind of “symbolic backlash” if the guy botches his attempt to control reality, since if I’m reading things right, just not succeeding at using the channels violates taboo.

    Still, makes for an excellent villain GMC right off the bat. Reminiscent of The Hood from the Thunderbirds Movie in some ways too.

  2. CS says:

    I appreciate the feedback, especially as this is my first attempt so any and all constructive criticism is quite welcome.

    I had two general routes in mind when I wrote the taboo. You can go hardcore, which would mean anytime the avatar’s roll on anything fails, or the avatar loses any sort of conflict, he is breaking taboo.

    As I wrote “the avatar must not relinquish a stand he takes,” I was trying to think of something a little more playable. The avatar can display great determination and force of will, but that doesn’t mean he has to willfully have his own way in everything or always be right. He could have a discussion, or even argument, and be wrong, he could even lose a fight. I just thought the taboo could be more based on intent.

    The “stand (the avatar) takes” might be fighting with everything he’s got. As long as he does that, even if he loses, he isn’t breaking taboo.

    I leave it in the hands of the GMs to decide how strict to keep to the taboo.

    As for the “symbolic backlash,” what did you have in mind? A reverse of some sort (-10% shift instead of +10%)? Or stat check (failed avatar roll forces a mind roll which, if also failed, denies the avatar channel powers for a time)?

    I look forward to your thoughts.


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