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The skinny on STOP signs

C’mon, tell me I’m wrong.

Ever get pulled over by a cop for running a stop sign that you swear up and down wasn’t there a second ago? Hell, even the post it’s on wasn’t there.

I hate to say it, but you just got played like a second-rate fiddle. Word is that a cabal of sorcerers somewhere ‘infiltrated’ a cop shop and starting working mojo. One big trick they figured out was a pretty easy way to fill the months ticket quota.

They stick a charge or two onto a STOP sign on some lonely road and wait nearby. When they see a car running down the street, they do something nifty and the sign just kinda dissappears for a little while. By the time the cop catches up and you got your ticket, the magick wears off and the post and sign are right back where they were.

One thought on “The skinny on STOP signs

  1. the nihohit says:

    tch, dude, someone seriously got you.
    didn’t you know it’s the stop signs themselves that hide?
    you know… if enough people hate something, that thing will start hating people, back.


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