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Fetus Swarms

Why you should be careful when you go dumpster diving near abortion clinics

What they are: Technically a kind of astral parasite, a fetusite (the name of an individual fetus from a Swarm) their solid nature makes a Fetus Swarm stand out from most. They look like about a hudnred tiny flying embryos and small fetuses that make an almost unhearable high pitched whining noise as they fly around. People with aura sight will simply see tiny little dots of bright white light that buzz about.

Habitat: The Fetus Swarms tend to hang around areas with lots of life, dumpsters and other palces that attract vermin are also favourites, large crowds of people tend to overwhelm what ever unnatural sense they use to hunt and they tend to shy away from areas with too much human traffic, prefering their humans alone or in small groups.

Where they come from Rumours aren’t too clear on the origin of these swarms, resting the blame for their existence at the feet of everyone from a rouge Maternamancy, to pro-life ritualists trying to punish or scare off mothers, but their real origin is unfortunately the Mac Attaxs’ fault.

A curious side effect of SpOrds hitting pregnant women is that all, or possibly only some, SpOrds will give a fetus during its first few days of development a bit more soul than it would usually have at this point, and if the fetus miscarries or is aborted there will be a tiny bit of risidual soul left over that eventually turns into a thirst for life and a tiny solid astral parasite.
The swarming nature of the fetusites is just humanities’ natural social nature at work, each Fetusite joining the larger swarm as the fetuses get dumped for disposal and the whole group sticking together annd flying around look for things to feed off of.

How to Deal with them: If you are unlucky enough to get the attention of a Swarm, you have two possible ways to escape, naturally you can’t out run them, but you can of course try to out run any body you are with.
Once the swarm catches up to someone and latches on to them the victim will suffer excruciating agony (-30% to all non-soul rolls they attempt to make) and each fetus will drain 1% off their soul stat until their soul reaches 15% at which point they will consider themselves sated for a day or so, unattach themselves from thevictim and fly off with a chorus of strangely guttural belching.

The second option is what confuses the few people who are currently studying Fetus Swarms, some reason baby clothes attract the fetusites for more than actual people do, so throwing baby clothes in one direction while running away in the other will usually get you clear. The Swarm will hover and buzz around the baby clothes for a few minutes after the baby clothes stop moving before they lose interest and move on. Children in baby clothes will always be attacked with priority over other people that cross the Swarm’s path.

There is technically a third way to deal with a fetus swarm, due to their physical nature the Fetusites can be killed with physical violence, though their tiny size and high manuverability means hitting them before they cna latch onto you is nearly impossible (-30% in any attempt to deal hand to hand damage on them and a PC would need 100% in their firearms skill before they could hit them with gun fire, but the fetusites have only a few point of health so if you can hit them they always die, but it would be like taking on a wasp’s nest, for every one you kill two more would latch onto you while you were busy)

Nesting? Some rumours hold that during the chasing of a pregnant woman, the Swarm inadvertantly caused the mother to miscarry, and the fetusites promptly took up residence inside the woman’s womb and now attack anyone who threatens her.
The rumours go onto say that the women went mad long ago and eats any children she can get her hands on.

It’s probably just an urban legend though.

4 thoughts on “Fetus Swarms

  1. Menzoa says:

    I always appreciate the sick stuff. This is like the flip side of demons: the depravity of the soul in it’s natural state, before being tempered by life. It’ the second (well, really the first) bookend to the Christian Right’s nightmare that is UA’s cosmology.

    Plus, Materamancy got an honorable mention as nasty enough to be a source! Whoo hooo!

  2. Mattias says:

    MWZ: You should sit down and write a supplement called Unknown Apocalypse. Really take this “high wierdness” vibe you got going as far as it will go.

  3. vagina = fun! says:

    why is it that children, babys and fetuses are so freaking scary?

  4. Anon says:

    I thought of something kind of similar to this the other day. Did you know that some of the corpses’ ashes from creamatoria don’t get claimed by families? I imagine that the combination of the (former) peoples’ abandonment by their loved ones and improper burials is bound to produce some sort of nastiness.


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