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Yeah, they kill puppies for Satan

Well, listen. You know that piece of shit guy, always muttering to himself, looking funny at people and generally acting (and smelling) not too nice? That’s you.
You kill puppies. You kill kittens. Hell, you’d kill a fucking cow if you found one.
And you do it all for the sake of the prince of darkness.
And to piss people off.
And also, because you enjoy it, you sick fuck.
You believe that you gain your mystical powers from Satan. We believe it’s from your own fucked-up obsession in killing small, defenseless, ever-so-cute animals. That’s not the point. The point is that you kill puppies, and than you can do weird and cool shit.
Fuck, for you the point could’ve been just the killing of animals, as far as you fucking care. The magick shit is just for kicks, and a nice bonus and help when you need to run, wcause someone caught you setting fire to his old, beloved and loyal dog.

Minor charge: kill a puppy for Satan. It doesn’t have to be a puppy, it could be a cat, or a cow, or a fucking race-horse. As long as it’s an animal someone likes and you killed it, it’s good. If someone strongly cares for that animal, than you get an additional minor charge. If someone sees you kill the animal, than you get yet another minor charge.

Significant charge: kill a shit load of puppies, in a ritual, for Satan. The traditional amount of animals needed to gain a sig charge is enough cats to fill a bag with. The ritual is determined by the same rules for spell casting. You gain additional minor charges for every animal that someone cared for, as long as you give it special attention during the ceremony. You also get an additional sig charge if the ceremony is done publicly. But beware, strange shit tends to happen (and no, people beating you to a pulp ain’t strange. I’m talking fucking Magickal-strange here)

Major charge: in a single fortnight kill every fucking Labrador retriever in Seattle, or something. I dunno, I never done it. Maybe if enough people will see you do it, you’ll get an additional major charge, or a fuckload of minor ones. Or something.

Taboo: never kill a human. Satan doesn’t like that. I mean, if they’re do-gooders, than they go to heaven – no one likes that. If they’re evil, better let them stay alive and continue to corrupt the world. So simply don’t do it.
Also, don’t kill vermin. Satan has hell to pay for extermination bills already.

Custom rule: basically, for every hardened violence notch you have more than your failed notches in the violence meter, you have to kill another basic unit to gain the charge. So, if you’ve got 2 hardened and 1 failed notches in violence, you’ll need to kill two kitties to gain a single minor charge, or to ritually slay two bags o’ kitties to gain a sig charge.
Also, you can gain chrage with your friends! For every additional person joining in the killing, there’s another minor charge added to the charge-mass, which is then spread evenly between everyone involved. If you can’t divide the charges, break down the sig charges until it will all be divisible. At worst, some minor charges will poof away to magickal phenomena.

Math: dave got five hardened notches and three failed ones in violence. He has three sacks filled with puppies stolen from a pet store, plus another bag with the freshly born kitties that his younger sister tended to with love and care, until he took them this morning. If he’ll set fire to them all in the public park, while chanting madly around the fire, he’ll gain three sigs (four bags – two hardened notches + publicly) and another seven minor charge (one for each kitten). If he would’ve invited his pals, mike and ike to join him, then every one of them would’ve gotten one sig and three minor (his three sigs and seven minors + two minors from mike&ike, divided by three)
Also, he’ll be chased by a pitchforks-and-torches wielding lynching crowd, but that’s a mere technicality.

Random Domain: fire, suffering and getting you away from stuff that you should pay for, with your blood.

Blast: hellfire, and fucking lots of it.

Another custom rule: you have to obey written rules. I.E. in order to cast a spell, or use a ritual for mass-killings, you have to find written instructions. It could be some obscure references in the necronomicon or the instructions on the back of q-tips.
You need to obey them to the letter (but you don’t have to read them when you cast the spell, just memorize them), or else your charges will fizz away. So someone can write for you instructions he made up this moment on the back of toilet paper, it will work just as well as using an ancient tome of magickal lore.

Starting charges: 6 minor

Minor formula:

Lucky bastard, 1 minor charge
Reroll one roll.

Create bugs, 1 minor charge
You can create one bug out of empty air, and make it appear in your hand. For every additional minor charge you spend you create twice the bugs. For another minor charge you choose where it appears, within eyesight.

Hellfire, three minor charges
You can breath hell fire from your mouth. This is the minor blast, and it’s effective for a couple of feet. The flame is mildly hot, but it comes in a cool green shade.

Ooze the shit, two minor charges
Create small amounts of muck, that will ooze out of your skin. Helps escaping from people who hold you, and to gross people out.

Talk to the devil, three minor charges
Summon a ghost (demon) to possess someone or something in the room.
If you spend an additional minor charge, you choose who the ghost possesses.

Oh, it’s spot!, three minor charges
Make one of your deceased victims appear for a couple of minutes. This apparition is controlled by you, and you can make it change shape to make it look eviler, or to leave smoking foot prints. You can also speak from it’s mouth.

Significant formula:

Control the shit, two significant charges
You can control the muck around you. Make sewage pipes burst or clog, cause spills into the ocean, etc.

Nah, I’m a nice guy, two significant charges
You seem totally innocent, even to people who know what a sick fuck you really are. This wouldn’t work on people who are thinking about you this very minute – like, for the example, the angry mob chasing you.

Summon the living hellfire, three significant charges
This is the significant blast. You create a large, green fireball, blazing with the heat of tortured souls. You can toss the fireball like a grenade, you’re not affected by it.

Shape of the devil, 3 minor charges
Change your shape, to a demonic form of your choosing.
You’ll change back in a couple of minutes. Or an hour. Or on the least fitting time.
You can pay two additional minor charges when you cast the spell, in order to choose when to reshape to your measly original form.

Summon a devil, four significant charges
Summon a living devil into your living room.
Now, find something to do with this unholy brute.
(GMs: the demon might be an unspeakable servant, or any other evil-looking unnatural monster. Whatever it is, it doesn’t obey the summoner. It might even be possessed by a demon, to make it seem human. The demon would be grateful, you know)

Major formula:
Summon the devil, or something. Create Plagues of locusts, cause famine, that kinda shit.

Notes: satanists are better off as NPCs than PCs. They can be very powerful, charging up in seconds, but they’re vulnerable and universally hated. Even sternos can’t abide them.
And the sleepers… well, let’s not talk about that.
Also, check on the original “Kill Puppies for Satan” RPG on:
kill puppies for satan

6 thoughts on “Satanists

  1. Storyteller says:

    What a kick-ass adept. What you may have heard: Some slaughterhouses have mechanical contraptions for killing little chickens. Those really cute, yellow bastards. This one guy pushes a button and chants away.

  2. BillionSix says:

    True, but according to the description someone has to like the animal. Sure, there are people out there who may generally like chickens, but unless someone feels genuine affection for each and every chicken that goes through the machine, I don’t think you’d get a charge.
    Puppies and kittens might work that way, because they are natural targets for affection. People love to pet them and lavish affection on them. Chickens, not so much.You would have to ascertain that someone actually loves this particular chicken.

  3. BillionSix says:

    True, but according to the description someone has to like the animal. Sure, there are people out there who may generally like chickens, but unless someone feels genuine affection for each and every chicken that goes through the machine, I don’t think you’d get a charge.
    Puppies and kittens might work that way, because they are natural targets for affection. People love to pet them and lavish affection on them. Chickens, not so much.You would have to ascertain that someone actually loves this particular chicken.

  4. BillionSix says:

    Major effect: Make one clean, attractive and healthy normal person consider for one second having sex with you.

  5. the nihohit says:

    actually, having someone like the particilulr animal is only a bonus. it seems i had a mistake – i meant a kind of animal normal people like.
    so, if in your world, chickens are a reasonable pet, the slaughterhouse satanist is one happy, mojo slinging motherfucker.

  6. vagina = fun! says:

    this is so awsome… this would be so much fun to play. every time we get any down time…”are there any pets around?” if nothing else it would be an awsome npc to randomly advance plot because something like this would have all sorts of crazy shit following him around


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