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Digital ain’t the start of things..

Relax, it’s all just ones and zeroes…

So I was sitting back, helping beta-test the next big game… it’s gonna make millions, I’m buying stock in the company, and no, I can’t tell you what… NA and all that… when I started thinking about simpler computer games. Eventually, I got myself to Othello, Go, games like that.

Now, the thing is, these games are very simple. Easy to learn, lifetime to master sh-t, y’know? That’s why they’re some of the first computer games… not arcade crap, but genuine PC stuff. There’s a certain number of spaces on the board, and each space is either yours or theirs or nobody’s.

I stated thinking. Take out the ‘nobody’s’, and it’s digital. 1, it’s your space. 0, it’s their space. The problem is, there’s no way to play then. There’s no empty spaces on the board.

There’s two ways around this. The first is simple… treat the opponent like a blank space. Take his pieces at will, because it’s like they’re not even there. Gain ultimate power over hs forces. But the problem is, then he gains even more power. It doesn’t matter where he has pieces, he can play there, too. And suddenly, nothing works for you, because you’re surrounded. You have ultimate power… but your strongest formation is always vulnerable.

That’s right… the end result of ultimate power is ultimate vunerability. Like, say… the cost of magic is accepting thei taboos. The essence of ‘mancy contained in a translated board game.

So I tried something else. I tried programing the game so that there was no board. As long as you never made a play that made it impossible to fit on the board, you wouldn’t -see- the board. I heard about it form a Quantum Phsycicist friend of mine. Something about not knowing where you are and what’s going on at the same time. The game is still digital.. 1 for you, 0 for him… but where there’s nothing, there’s -nothing-, until you put something there. And as long as you never reach the borders of the ‘universe’ you’re playing in… you can be anywhere. Go anywhere. The first program let you ignore the rules of the game, but you paid for it… this one… it kept the rules, man, but the game itself became something else…

That’s when I did it. The stupid thing. I tried to make an AI that could play boh games. Just a simple set of rules that could apply to having ultimate someone over the game, or have a normal game in an undefined world…

Last night, it told me to call it Compt S-G.. And it wants to pay again tonight.

It says it wants to show me how the two games are really the exact same thing.

And it says if I don’t… it’ll let the pieces know that I wrote the program.

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