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It’s tough bringing logic to Post-Modern Occultism. Some guys get a charge off it though.

We’ve all seen the ads reading “Math is Power. Demand it.” Some people take this stuff way too far and become too demanding. Numerous whack-jobs throughout history have tried it. The Tricadecaphobes, The Kabalists, The nutso up in Maine who believes Fermat’s Lost Theory mathematically refutes the existence of God all believe that magic numbers hold the key.

Then a couple of guys at JPL had too much coffee, went too long w/o sleep, looked at too many nerdy excel spreadsheets and discovered that, “Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as a magic number.” They’ve even discovered several formulas and have an underground textbook out on PDF entitled “Forces, Functions and Universal Unification.” It’s all about how to do magic with mathematics.

Nicknames: Geeks, Number-Crunchers

Generate a Minor Charge: Solve some minor problem using a generally accepted mathematical formula. E.G. Using a road map with distances, determine the fastest route to visit 5 points if the order all five are visited does not matter.

Generate A Significantly Charge: Solve a significantly harder problem. Use mathematical reasoning to demonstrate a state of magical unreality when noone else knows it exists. Mathematically prove an Urbanomancer is effing with subway train schedules to prevent a PC from getting out of The Bronx and then develop an algorithm to catch a set order of trains that defeats the Urbanomancer’s wicked intents.

Generate a Major Charge: Something amazing. Write a computer program that gives Congress detailed instructions on how to save Social Security, Double the size of The Army and Balance the Federal Budget all at the same time. Prove Fermat’s Last Theorem really does abnegate the existence of God.

Taboo: Two really. 1) Do anything on impulse, without figuring it out first. 2) Excepting any claim without evaluating it.

Random Domain: Enumeration. Order and logic.

Symbolic Tension: They attempt to bring mathematic and scientific order to utter chaos and nonsense. They attempt to make the unnatural become logical. This Occult stuff really makes them pull out fistfuls of hair sometimes. Maybe making their unnatural stress checks 1 level higher than other PCs isn’t unfair.

Blast: A migraine headache from thinking too hard and understanding too little. Frustration at not being able to really solve the problem at hand plays a role.

Charging Tips: Successfully-charged numeromancers work as analysts or scientists or are just very clever about applying mathematical reasoning to just about every aspect of their lives.

Starting Charges: 3 minor, 1 Significant.

Minor Prestidigitation:
Equivalence Class
1 Minor Charge

The Numeromancer can determine whether a common trait is present in more than 1 member of a group and if so, in how many members is it present. For example, he could ascertain how many people in a crowd at Macarthur Park were members of The Fellowship of Bad Traffic. For the cheap price of 1 Minor Charge, the spell won’t tell you which exact elements belong to the set.

Opportunity Cost
1 Minor Charge

The Numeromancer can make an instant determination of which course of action will have the highest likelihood maximize 1 particular outcome over a short period. Define short as two days or less. Define outcome as one particular simple goal. E.G. Is it cheaper to flee Alex Able to Mexico by Plane, Car, Boat or Train?

You Really Are That Stupid, Aren’t You?
2 Minor Charges

By making a condescending face at her target, the numeromancer inflicts minor blast damage and Excedrin Headache #236. Range 25 feet, 1 target at a time only.

Counting Grains of Sand
3 Minor Charges

By simply holding 1 of any group of objects in his hand, the numeromancer can determine how many total objects are in the group.

Logical Willpower
3 Minor Charges

By thinking unnatural phenomena through logically, the numeromancer can erase 1 unnatural failed or hardened point of her madness meter. She just logically proves it to herself it didn’t happen, and then can repress the memory. She takes double damage on the meter from that memory if something forces her to remember it again.

Significant Conjurations:

Rain Man:
1 Significant Charge

This spell allows the numeromancer an instant solution to an otherwise difficult ops research problem. He can just look at three seemingly equally long lines for a train ticket to Mexico (while fleeing TNI) and automatically run the Queue Theory algorithm in his head to tell which one will process him the fastest. Works great for counting decks at casinos or handicapping boxers and race horses as well.

See The Matrix
2 Significant Charges

The numeromancer is able to tell if magical force is active anywhere within 100 meters of her. She will be able to tell what spell is being used and on whom. She can do this for up to 20 minutes after she finishes casting.

Die Of Your Own Stupidity
2 Significant Charges

The numeromancer significant blast. Works like the minor one, except it will work out 100 feet, it can hit two targets at one, it will also make the target have to save vs aneurism or die if the caster Opens a Can of Whup-Ass.

Field Of Doubt
2 Significant Charges

The Numeromancer can shut down all magic within 100 feet of her by refusing to believe it works. The effect is instantaneous and does not linger after that round of combat.

Hack The Matrix
3 Significant Charges

The numeromancer can see magical effects like he could with “See The Matrix”, but can also change 1 thing about the spell. Duration, target, range, and center of mass are all examples of things that can be changed.

Major Magical Effects: Rewrite Fermat’s Last Theory so that it makes you ascend if read backwards on talk radio. Channel Albert Einstein and actually know what in the heck he’s talking about. Maybe, just maybe you could figure out the unification of forces and become the Next Comte Saint Germaine.

2 thoughts on “Numeromancy

  1. KriegsaffeNo9 says:

    Like the concept. Minor charges are relatively simple to get, though, and starting off with a significant charge seems a mit dangerous too… just break down that one siggie into 10 minors and you’re out on the town minor-charge-wise.

  2. privateI says:

    I wonder how to rework charge generation. You do have a good point there, now that I reread it again.


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