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Plutomancers and Cliomancers Unite

Two Schools copping Major Charges off of each other

Seems that if Cliomancers supply the Plutomancers with a major charge, they’ll get one in return.

Tourists ‘around the moon by 2008’

A US company associated with the Russian Space Agency hopes to send tourists to circle the moon, perhaps as soon as 2008. The ticket price: a cool $US100 million.

“Today is a historic day,” said Eric Anderson, whose Virginia-based Space Adventures made history back in 2001 by sending the first “civilian” – US businessman Dennis Tito – into space.
“The last astronaut left the moon 32 years ago. It’s been far too long, and it’s time to go back,” Anderson said at a press conference with representatives of the Russian agency.

Two passengers could be involved in the first trip within five years, but perhaps as soon as 2008. Each passenger would pay a staggering $US100 million for the thrill.

The mission “DSE-Alpha” would get its boost from a Russian Soyuz rocket, be flown by a Russian cosmonaut and take the traveller around the moon about 100 km above its surface.

In time, Space Adventures hopes to make it possible for travellers to set foot on the moon.

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