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The Exerceomancer

Your body is a temple,
And you are the priest,
And you are the god.

Nickname: Body-Builders

Your body is a work of art, a finely-tuned machine. Every muscle and ligament has been trained to perfection. You make your body obey you, and it gives you everything.

You could always feel the potential held within your body — the potential to be stronger, faster and more attractive. You knew that if you wanted to, you could turn yourself into the perfect human being. And every time you lift one more pound, or shave three more seconds off your 10k run, you can feel that goal getting closer.

Working out has it all: It’s fun, it’s healthy, and while you do it — nothing can bother you.

No one can beat you. People try, and fail. They lose it all — strength. Speed. Power. Life.

Every person who’s better than you is just one more obstacle to overcome. As long as you master yourself, you will become this world’s Superman.

The central paradox of Exerceomancy is that the adept is training for training’s sake. She can only use her maximum abilities when she trains, and not while competing or in everyday life.

Exerceomancy Blast Style
Body Builders can look at their rival, and give the person a heart attack. They look at the one runner that passed them, and his muscles burst. Body systems fail, generally.
Usually, even the minor blast has repercussions. Bones break, muscles twist, etc. Significant blasts usually leave permanent damage, such as ruptured muscles or clogged arteries.

Generate a Minor Charge: Work out for two hours. Note that although you technically can work out for 8 hours a day, it’s really not advisable.
Generate a Significant Charge: Break a personal record.
Generate a Major Charge: Beat a physical World Record. This means things that’ll get you into the Guinness Book of Records, usually.
Taboo: If you ever use your full ability in the physical attribute that you train (Body or Speed or both), except in the context of training, you lose all of your charges. That means that you must limit yourself at every action: you must take a willing -10% shift to almost every roll in your trained attribute. You can skip the limit and take a chance, though: You don’t get the -10% shift, but if you fail or roll too close to your skill ( i.e. if you don’t roll under skill minus 5), you break taboo, and probably get physically hurt in the process.
Random Magick Domain: Altering the physical abilities and disabilities of people. This includes sickness and physical Skills.
Starting Charges: Newly created Exerceomancers have 4 minor charges.
Charging Tips: In order to remain healthy and uncrippled, a Body Builder must limit himself to 2 minor charges a day, 3-4 days a week. More than that will cause physical damage and muscle strain. Assuming you exercise enough fields, and keep on adding new ones, you can accumulate as much as a significant charge a week. This means regulating your workout sessions: A little break period can ruin it all. Also, note that training both Body and Speed is inadvisable, as it widens the reach of your Taboo.

Exerceomancy Minor Formula Spells

24-Hour Bug
Cost: 1 or more minor charges
Effect: One person of the caster’s choice develops a minor sickness, usually the flu. It’s good for a -5% shift to both Body and Speed, and a rank-2 Helplessness check. The sickness lasts for one day per minor charge spent. Note that some people (the very old, the very young, and those already frail for other reasons) may develop complications, leading to hospitalization or even death.

When There’s a Will…
Cost: 1 minor charge
Effect: The caster can use his Obsession Skills to perform any single physical task. This task is still limited by Taboo, of course.

Cost: 2 minor charges
Effect: The caster “gives” someone 10 points off his trained attribute, which the recipient can use for one action. The recipient can “store” the additional points for as long as he likes before using them, and the caster cannot regain the points in any other way.

Body Strain
Cost: 3 minor charges
Effect: This is the Exerceomancy minor blast. It causes broken arms, concussions, asthma, and so on. Depending on the chosen effect, the target may need medical attention to regain full capability.

Exerceomancy Significant Formula Spells

Body Collapse
Cost: 2 significant charges
Effect: This is the Exerceomancy significant blast. It causes heart attacks, strokes, collapsed rib cages, and so on. The target will definitely need medical attention to recover, and the event may recur, since the causes of it remain in the target’s body (the weak blood vessel in the brain, for example).

24-Hour Race
Cost: 3 significant charges
Effect: For the next 24 hours, the caster can use his obsession skills to perform all physical actions. This, of course, doesn’t mean these skills do not suffer from the Taboo limitation.

If He Can’t Do It, No One Can
Cost: 3 significant charges
Effect: This spell can only be cast immediately after failing any roll. The next person who tries to surmount the same challenge (Violence checks against the same mutilated corpse, Struggle checks against the same foe, or anything else) suffers a -40% shift. The caster has no control over the time of the check or the person who will suffer.

Toughest Guy in the Room

Cost: 3 significant charges
Effect: the caster is so ripped that everyone in sight feels like a weakling by comparison. Up to ten people who are in the same room as the caster, or within 15 yards outdoors, suffers a -20% shift to their Body score. This lasts ten minutes.

Exerceomancy Major Effects

Raise or lower human ability at a given physical feat. Do something truly impossible with your body, such as jumping between continents. Become independent of air or water.

One thought on “The Exerceomancer

  1. Mike Bravo says:

    You should mention that to get your significant and mayor charges you couldn’t use your magick to beat yourself or the world record, shouldn’t you?


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