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Rain of Meat

A ritual “decoded” by an Infomancer from the nutritional information on a cereal box… or so they say.

Cost: 2 Significant Charges

Ritual Action: Construct a wooden bow from a branch of a birch tree felled by a stone ax. String it (material doesn’t appear to matter) and take it out into an open, natural area. Make sure you are not in line-of-site of any manmade building (cars are fine). Take an arrow crafted from pine, not fletched, and filed/carved/ground to a point instead of an arrowhead.

As the arrow is pulled back, repeat the phrase “Sterak Creos” three times. Aim straight up into the sky and say the phrase “Lat Seb Horz” once, spend the charges, then release the arrow.

Ritual Effect: The arrow will crumble to dust in midflight, blowing away with the wind if any. Exactly 24 hours later, a mild thunderstorm will develop. The size is totally random, but within a one mile radius of the location where the arrow was fired, there will be scattered peices of meat falling from the sky. The amount is usually around 300 lbs and ranges from beef, chicken, fish, buffalo, turkey, and even “long pig”. Some is still on the bone, some is not.

If the arrow is fired into a totally cloudless sky, some of the meat will be cooked, possibly charred completely. Otherwise, all the meat is raw. It is never frozen.

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