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The Mold in the corner is looking at me…

Mold resides in dank musty places; dingy run-down apartments, roadside motels, the bathroom of an tavern or the corner of the showerstall. A dark brown/black patch that can be found on the walls, ceilings or floor.

No one really knows what this creature is, some speculate that they are demons/revanants who have died in the bath or shower or have drowned and have come back as vengeful entities.

Mold will attack an unsuspecting prey, by taking the form of a oversized creature; dog, snake, spider, etc., slowly inching along the walls, floors, ceilings waiting, than breaking their “cover”. Once this is done, a putrid smell emenates (a notice roll is made).

Mold will try to enter into any orifice and once inside they will begin to eat the inside of the body.

Mold (Minor)
Eater Of The Insides

Body: 50
Speed: 25
Mind: 0
Soul: 0

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