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Fat Magick — Large and In Charge.

At first, you ate only for pleasure. Why cut back, when you liked food so much? You have more fun by doing what you want than those diet-and-exercise freaks have by running and jumping. You ate whenever you felt like eating, and it felt good!

Eventually, it became a principle. You refuse to torture yourself in order to conform to society’s demands, or in order to be healthier — what use is ten more years of life, if you have to spend them fasting? Eating is telling the world that pleasure is available here and now for anyone who wants it — instant, easy gratification. All you have to do is give in to your urges.

The central paradox of Lipomancy is that it is a shortcut to starvation. Since casting Lipomancy spells consumes body fat, adepts must eat constantly just to survive. The magick they use makes their excesses actually vital to survival, undercutting their philosophy.

Lipomancy Blast Style

Lipomancy does not have a blast. It does however, have a spell that lowers Body scores, and which works much the same way; see below.

Generate a Minor Charge: Minor charges aren’t gained, per se. Every time a minor charge is spent, the Lipomancer loses 5 pounds of body weight. Body fat gained before the person became an adept can still be consumed in this way.
Generate a Significant Charge: Gain 5 pounds by consuming something that was meant to be taken in much smaller amounts — alcoholic drinks, caviar, and pure olive oil are all good choices. Spending the charge consumes this added flesh. If a significant charge is broken into 10 minors, spending these minors will cost the caster only half a pound of body weight.
Generate a Major Charge: Gain 5 pounds by consuming something completely inedible. This requires some creativity, as non-organic material cannot be converted to fat. Poisoned food is not good enough.
Taboo: Lipomancers must not arrange to suffer now in exchange for future pleasure. If gratification is worth anything, it must be instant.
Also, refusing offered food will usually trigger Self checks.
Random Magick Domain: Consumption, urges and body image.
Starting Charges: Lipomancers start with the charges stored in their flesh — as a rule of thumb, 6 minor charges.
Charging Tips: Minor charges can be gained very quickly, as long as they are quickly spent. Spending a charge does not make the caster hungry, so eating too much may break taboo. Generally speaking, one or two minor charges a day is safe. Gaining a significant charge without breaking taboo is harder — many casters work up a tolerance for a certain substance. With training, it’s possible to gain a significant charge every week or two without breaking taboo.
Note that charges can be carved off a Lipomancer’s body with any edge weapon. This is another reason for them to spend their charges quickly.

Lipomancy Minor Formula Spells

Big and Beautiful
Cost: 1 minor charge
Effect: This spell allows the caster to add up to 200 pounds to her body weight. Her clothes will become respectively larger, but may be damaged. This spell lasts one hour or until dispelled.

Fat and Ugly
Cost: 2 minor charges
Effect: The target of Fat and Ugly repels people, as though she was very ugly or had terrible body odor. No one will willingly come close to her for the duration of the spell. The target must be in sight. This spell lasts the casting roll in minutes.

Sideshow Freak
Cost: 2 minor charges
Effect: This spell can only be cast on oneself. Observers become fascinated with a deformity the caster suffers from. The worse the deformity, the better this spell works, so it is often cast in conjunction with Big and Beautiful or Fat and Ugly. The caster gains no control over her audience. This spell lasts half an hour, but individual observers may have shorter attention spans.

Instant Hunger
Cost: 3 minor charges
Effect: The target of this spell, who must be in sight, is stricken with hunger. She loses a number of Body points equal to the sum of the dice rolled. The loss lasts until the target eats a full meal (no number of hot dogs will satisfy the hunger).

Lipomancy Significant Formula Spells

I’ve Wasted My Life
Cost: 1 significant charge
Effect: The target of the spell is reminded of her greatest inhibition, and regrets it. For most people, this will be sexual decency, refraining from violence or dieting. The target becomes extremely receptive to any opportunity to act against her inhibition, even willing to risk nonessential things to do so. The target will probably not risk her job, but will risk being reprimanded or losing some money. The spell lasts for one hour.

Sumo Wrestling
Cost: 2 significant charges
Effect: The caster gains +10% to her Struggle skill for one battle. This is only good for unarmed combat.

Ostrich Stomach
Cost: 3 significant charges
Effect: The caster swallows any object smaller than a breadbox. It will continue functioning as normal within the caster’s body, but will not be digested. The caster’s weight will increase appropriately (this cannot be used to gain a charge). At any point in the next 24 hours, the caster may stick her hand into her abdomen and pull out the object. If she does not, it will be regurgitated through the mouth at the end of the 24 hours.

Instant Starvation
Cost: 3 significant charges
Effect: The target of Instant Starvation is stricken with a terrible hunger. She loses a number of body points equal to the die roll. The loss lasts until the target eats, in a single meal, enough food to permanently gain three pounds.

Lipomancy Major Effects
Change society’s ideal of human beauty — or make yourself irresistible to the opposite sex. Eat and regurgitate something enormous. Make something edible inedible, or vice versa.

2 thoughts on “Lipomancy

  1. John Scott Tynes says:

    “Also, refusing offered food will usually trigger Self checks.”

    Excellent! I can see the bad guys carrying Big Macs in case they need to throw them at the Lipsomancer.


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