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Codependent Necromancy

Convincing people to hurt themselves to get necromantic power.

Nickname: Enablers

The world is teeming with beautiful, beautiful life, ripe for the harvest. Waiting for release.

You tap into the self-destructive power of other people. You coax them into releasing their life, and then you harvest it.

Obsessive people are your lifeblood. You tip people over the edge of destruction, but it’s their choice. You just help them do what they wanted to do anyway. Everyone is going to die anyway…

…except maybe you.

Generate a minor charge: Encourage someone to damage their body. You can use trickery, distraction, threats, bribes, or whatever, as long as they consciously hurt themselves. It doesn’t have to be direct harm – convincing someone to stay up all night, drink to excess, or not take their medicine. You don’t get any charges if they would have done it without your influence.

You can get charges from self-destructive adepts, but there’s a catch. If you convince an adept to do something damaging that gets them a charge (even indirectly), you don’t get any juice from it unless and until they break taboo before using any charges. So, if you convince an Entropomancer to jump in front of a bus and he gets hit, you don’t get a charge immediately. You only get power if he breaks taboo without using a single charge. If he dies first, tough break.

Generate a significant charge: Convince someone to do something that kills them. It doesn’t matter if they’re an adept, but the victim has to consciously do something that results in death, which they wouldn’t have done without your influence.

Generate a major charge: This one’s a little weird. The 137th significant charge you generate becomes a major charge. Once you get that major charge, though, you’re burnt-out. You can’t generate charges ever again, though you can still use the ones you’ve got. Most enablers who reach this point expect it, but some self-taught adepts are quite surprised.

Taboo: Self-destruction. If you harm your body in any way, you lose all your charges. Any time you consciously decide to do something and it leads to harm you’ve broken taboo. If you stay up late or fast, you can use Nourish to keep from breaking taboo, and you don’t break taboo if someone else attacks you, unless there was an obvious way to avoid it.

Random Magic: The energy of life, and the drain of death.

Symbolic Tension: Enablers advocate death to cultivate the power of life. They forward an agenda they’d never follow.

Blast: Variable! It depends on your MO. A significant blast causes whatever harm killed the person used to generate the charge. A minor blast only works if you’ve got a significant charge, even though you don’t use it. It also causes a minor version of harm similar to death that gathered the significant charge.

Charging Tips: This is a tough one. Usually, Codependent Necromancers seek out people on the border of self-destruction and tip them over. They haunt twelve-step programs, host decadent parties, and start cults. Getting into a position of trust is vital. You can earn 2-5 minor charges a week with a good dupe or three. If you are in a position to hold life or death over someone (doctor, wartime officer, skydiving instructor) you can get significant charges fast, even from people who aren’t usually self-destructive, but you run a serious risk of prison.

Starting Charges: 4 minor

Minor Formulas

1 minor charges
A phantasmal human figure appears briefly before you. You determine its appearance and actions. It’s clearly supernatural, and only exists for a few seconds. This almost always causes a Rank-4 Stress check – depending on the nature of the apparition, this might be a Unatural, Violence, or Self check.

Death Without Meaning
1 minor charge
This obnoxious formula weakens and drains a target’s mojo. If your target has charges gained from hurting or weakening the body (like Dipsomancy, Epideromancy, Oneiromancy or sometimes Entropomancy), she loses 3 minor charges. Also, if your target generates a charge a few seconds before or after this formula is used, that charge disappears too.

This formula is risky, since it’s a fairly minor spell that tampers with much bigger power. If you break up a significant or major charge, or cancel one as it’s being generated, you take damage as if you’d been hit by your victim’s significant blast (or just horrible bodily harm), and, since you brought the harm onto yourself, you are also considered to violate your taboo.

2 minor charges
Life energy has direct nutritional value! This formula is the bodily equivalent of a balanced meal with fresh water, and eight hours of solid restful sleep. It’ll cure any poison or disease that would have worn off within 8 hours, too. It won’t bring on any negative effects, though – you won’t overstuff yourself or speed up a slow-onset poison. You can only use this formula on yourself.

A Taste of Death
3 minor charges
This is the Codependent Necromancy minor blast. It’s only usable if you have a significant charge stored, but the significant charge is not used.

No Safety at the Gates
4 minor charges
Summons a demon, as the Dipsomancy formula “Party Like Hell.” You have no special control of the demon.

Significant formulas

A Feast of Death
1 Significant charge
This is the Codependent Necromancy significant blast.

Martyr By Proxy
1 significant charge
You fill yourself or someone else with life. All wounds are healed with no scars, poisons and diseases are cured, and any magical alterations to the body are removed. At the same time, the target vividly experiences the death of the person who died to generate the charge – this causes a rank-10 Helplessness check.

Fairest of Them All
1 significant charge
You get a permanent +5% to an appearance-related skill (or gain a new one at 10%), even if this takes you over the relevent attribute. This formula also reverses five years of aging, but won’t make you younger than a teenager.

1 significant charge
Magically animates dead animal matter. It doesn’t have to be a human body – you could animal a big sheet of leather or a statue made of bones instead. The Xombi creation will move of its own accord, and follow any instructions you give. Its Body and Speed are equal to the result of your roll, and its name is the name of person who died to generate the charge. You can also use this to strengthen an existing Xombi – it adds the result of the roll to the Xombi’s Body (but not Speed). The Xombi isn’t inteligent per se, but you can give very complex commands, and it interprets commands the way you intend.

Grave Robbing
1 significant charge
Steals knowledge from the person who died to generate the significant charge. You can find the answer to one question, use a Skill the person had once, or even use a formula or channel the person was able to use – you’ll need to provide the materials or charges if any are required, and if the person doesn’t have skill or know the answer, you’ve wasted the power. You can, instead, get the answer to any question about Codependent Necromancy, which is how many adepts learn the whole of the school.

Sample Major Effects
Cease aging. Gain the ability to command demons with your voice. Raise the dead. Triple your Body score. Animate a whole graveyard as your undead servants.

What You’ve Heard
Marja Poploski, a Polish teenage enabler living in London, recently made the news with her cult, a group of troubled teenagers devoted to cutting. Her group of fifteen girls was featured in a night-time news expo. Though she was the leader, Marja was faking her scars with stage makeup. Camera evidence of Marja killing three police officers while resisting arrest was mostly covered up by the Sleepers.

7 thoughts on “Codependent Necromancy

  1. Qualia says:

    Wow… This is both incredibly sick, and a work of pure genius!

  2. mooshified says:

    This is brilliant. I love the idea that the way you gained that significant charge determines the effect of the significant spell. The major charge generation is also great.

  3. Qualia says:

    Yes, the major charge is an interesting idea. Was there any significance to the number 137, or did you think that a player would probably get sick of talking people to death (figuratively speaking) by about that point?

  4. TedPro says:

    Yes! It’s a number of tremendous mystical significance!

    Or, well, actually, I just wanted a number that was a little over a hundred, and thought it’d be fun to add a specific number. 333 was way, way too high, and 111 didn’t seem spooky enough.

    I am not sure why 137 is more spooky than 111. But it is! Spooky spooky 137! Nice, friendly 111.

  5. Qualia says:

    … Yes, I suppose you’re right. Meeesteeerious.

  6. Cal_Lous says:

    I would have gone with 187 myself
    – police code for homicide.
    implying the police know more about this kind of thing than they we do.

  7. Anon says:

    This is an excellent school, but there are two things that are bugging me. The first is the bookkeeping for Significant charges. Keeping track of every way you’ve someone has offed themselves at your insistence seems rather unpleasant. I wouldn’t change it, just saying. The second is that the burnout is a bit harsh. Maybe make it apply only to this school (so that if a character moves on to another one, they can still gain charges normally) and after the 137th assisted suicide, you generate Minors the way you used to generate Sigs, and you can trade 10 minors up for a Sig.


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