When asked why he insisted on driving drunk, Dipsomancer Dirk Allen answered succinctly. “How the f— else do you get the car home?”
Cost 3 Minors or 2 Significant
There are two ways to make ritualistic use of a very, very bad habit some Dipsomancers engage in. The drunk driving ritual known as Flyin’ Blind. Version A gets a hopelessly lost Dipsomancer to exactly where she wants to end up. She gets behind the wheel drunk, goes out on an insterstate highway, accelerates to at least 55 MPH, expends 3 Minor Charges and says “Marco Polo, take me to….(she speaks the address or landmark she wants to go to).”
In order to make the ritual work, the Dipsomancer must know an exact address or landmark. If there is not room to park nearby, the dipsomancer will have a wreck. If there is room, the spell parks the car at exactly that location. Passengers make a Level 3 save vs. Unnatural.
Version two, sometimes called “Cutthroat Chicken”, is an exceedingly violent way to take out an enemy, (or yourself, if you blow it). The Dipsomancer drives drunk to where the target is commonly found, speeds the car up to a minimum of 30 MPH above the speed limit, aims it for a large, solid object that will generate as hideous an inelastic collision as possible, and yells “Zot!!” The intended target takes double signifigent blast damage and the Dipsomancer’s car is totaled. The Dipsomancer walks away unscratched.
Is this a ritual? It seems more like two Dipsomancy formula spells.
That said, it’s pretty cool.
Yep. They’re sound as they’re two dipsomancer formulae spells. Although I’d say the Marco Polo requires a significant charge and the Dipsomancer can roll his Drive skill, capped by his Soul Stat, as if he was rolling extra damage on a Blast spell.
The car ends up within a block of where the Dipper wants to be, stalls, and cuts out right there. It will have restarted and parked where the Dipper can.
Cutthroat Chicken is a nice and nasty Significant blast spell. I’d rule the damage is based on car accident damage.