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Xavier Crement wrote a book about these guys “Ass-hole No More.”

Nick-Names: Jack-ass, Ass-hole, Kill-Joys, Fight-Clubbers

The world is teaming with jerks, meanies, dick-wads and @$$-holes. They do their best, but you, mi amigo, you could write the frikken’ how-to manual. “Ass-Holes For Dummies”.

There’s one catch. You don’t want to because you’re too mean and you think those guys suck. Besides, you want all the charges for the one person in the world who counts.

You not only think people suck, you want to pick a fight with them. You need to pick a fight with them, especially when you’re fiending for a charge fix.

Yep, Antaganomancers charge by provoking people to the point of retaliation. The more the person provoked originally likes the Antaganomancer, the better the fix. The more violent and dangerous the retaliation, the better the fix.

So you’re about to spend your entire life falsely befriending people just to really piss them off later and risk life and limb to get a charge.

Generate a minor charge: Provoke a total stranger through your words or actions to challenge you to a verbal argument or fight. The fight has to be reasonably fairly matched and it has to be in total earnest with malicious intent. You don’t have to win, but it has to last long enough to disrupt, annoy and generally interrupt everyone else around you.

Generate a significant charge: Convince someone who could hurt you in serious way or who really loves or cares about you to physically attack you. It doesn’t have to be a lethal attack, but it does have to be live damage (No kung-fu sparring w/ gloves and safety foot gear, live boots to the head).

Generate a major charge: An absolutely brutal fight against someone who should rock your world and put out your lights. Provoking Lennox Lewis to a bare-knuckle brawl on the table of a Soho Bar might suffice. Provided you went about 5 good rounds with him.

Taboo: Unfair fights. You lose your mojo if you ever fight an obviously weaker foe to intentionally garbage up a charge. Also, ever playing peace-maker.

Random Magic: Conflict, Discord, Combat.

Symbolic Tension: You have to mortally provoke your best friends to charge.

Blast: A haymaker right to the chops.

Charging Tips: Be an extrovert. You will go through friends like a porn star goes through Trojans. Go ahead and get a reputation for getting into lots of scrapes. Others like you will seek you out and want to get it on.

Starting Charges: 4 minor

Minor Formulas:

Bring It, Punk!
1 Minor
Will cause the next three things the spell’s target says to be totally taken in the worst way possible by the people who hear it. It will make the speaker sound as belligerent, obnoxious and bigoted as possible. (-15% on Soul-related skills other than intimidate, +5% on intimidate)

I’m OK, You Suck!
1 Minor
Will cause the target to take a -10% shift on the next two skill checks he makes and make a level 2 Helplessness check because the Antaganomancer hurt the target’s self-esteem.

Vicious, Snarky, Unfair Riposte
1 Minor
The next communication the target sends to another person will be totally rude, insulting and completely inappropriate to the situation at hand. It will be designed to cause as much pain and angst as possible.

Hard Right (or Left) Cross
2 Minor

Minor Antaganomancer blast formula. Requires the Antaganomiser to physically touch the target.

Let’s You and Him Fight!
2 Minor
Will cause two targets to intensely dislike one another. (-20% to any roll indicating whether or not they get along).

Your Not The Boss Of Me!
2 Minor
Will cause the next three people who interact with an authority figure of the caster’s choice to act obnoxious, uncooperative or downright rude unless they save against Self at Level 3.

It’s All YOUR Fault!
3 Minor
The target of this spell will be blamed the next time something really bad happens in their vicinity by everyone present when the spell was cast. If doing this would offend anyone’s sense of reality, make the person suspending disbelief to blame the target make a level 5 Unnatural save.

Major Formulas.

Don’t Throw In The Towel. Use It To Go Hang Yourself!
1 Sig
The target of the Antaganomancer’s vindictiveness will be too depressed to do anything but lie in bed and complain for 24 hours. Adepts successfully nailed lose 50% of their charges.

How About A Knuckle Sandwich?!
1 Sig
Antaganomancer signifigent blast. Goes off anyone in the vicinity physically touches the target.

“Fire” In A Crowded Theater.
2 Sigs
The caster gets near a big scrum of people and yells “Fire!” It automatically triggers a riot check at a 25% positive shift for the riot occurring. (Use riot rules from “Hush, Hush” to adjudicate.) Maximum audience size 200 people.

3 Sigs
For the politician or demagogue you just can’t abide. Casting this spell makes the entire from row of the audience save vs Level 3 Helplessness. Those who fail rush the podium and try to start a fight with the speaker and/or his security detail.

Ballroom Blitz
3 Sigs
Will make everyone within 50’ of the spell’s blast point save vs level 3 helplessness or start attacking the nearest person. Yes, they can all be in cars on The Capital Beltway during rush hour if The Antaganomancer really wants to make a foul name for himself.

Major Effects: A more powerful version of “Fire” or Ballroom blitz involving the entire UN workforce or the crowd at a Michigan U Homecoming Game. Start your own war between China and Indonesia.

What You’ve Heard: One crack-pot in The Order of St. Germaine claims he was trained in this school by a KGB agent who learned it from the old Soviet Government.

2 thoughts on “Antaganomancy

  1. Insect King says:

    Is this the bastard child of Annihilomancy and Irascimancy?



  2. privateI says:

    Sort of, except they don’t have to be mad. They can spread hatred and discontent with a grin on their faces.


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