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The Unknown Army Of One

If you were the Secretary of The Army, how would you handle an Occult Taliban? Send a Green Beret.

He’d never admit to it. Even in front of a hearing full of angry Senators. It would cost him more than hisrank and self-respect. Yet, this highly trained soldier hunts more than just The Taliban. He’s done it for four decades since the Pentagon foolishly disowned Delta Green.

He’s more than just Special Forces; he’s flat-out weird. He’s a Sergeant First Class who seems remarkably unaffected by the passage of time. Not many 50-year old men max the 21 year-old standard for the Army Physical Readiness Test……

The Dosier is as follows.

SFC Darnell Watkins. Officially, he’s a 51-year-old Special Forces Veteran with enough medals on his chest to start his own foundry. He has been granted a special dispensation to remain a SFC for life, doing what he loves to do and training special ops teams. Not so officially, he’s the most powerful and lethal cyborg ever built. His body is a flesh is a 2 inch thick potempkin that is kept biologically viable by a network of nanotechnological circuits that electrify it just enough so that the cells never die. His brain is a slightly outdated Cray Computer. At least it was after the last time he was shipped to Rockwell-Collins to have his cranium evacuated and updated with a newer model.

SFC Watkins cost DARPA about $1.8Bil, which required lots of prestidigitation to hide from the bevy of cost analysts that go over every dime that SOCOCM spends.

Stats: Body 150 Speed 65 Mind 120 Soul 65.

Body Skills: Stop A Round With My Depleted Uraniun Pecs -65, Kung-Fu Beat-Down – 45, Weight-Room Gorilla -30

Stop A Round With My Depleted Uranium Pecs: This skill comes from the Depleted Uranium mesh skeleton that encases SFC Watkins’ vital organs. The bullet will bounce off and not score damage if he rolls a 65 or lower on percentile dice. If he rolls a OUWICA against a hand to hand attack, the attacker gets minor blast damage from striking hard metal.

Speed Skills: Dodge – 30, Drive (or fly, or pilot any maechanical device) – 45, Sprint Like Deion Sanders – 20

Mind Skills: Google: 55, Strategize: 60, Think Outside The Box: 45

Google: When meeting the Net-Ready KPP that includes all military commo these days, the DARPA boys also added their own wrinkle. He has instant access to Google, Mr. Jeeves, Yahoo Search and a bunch of other Internet dbs anytime his brain can tune in a satellite signal. If he rolls 55 or lower, he gets an appropriate hit that’s usable.

Think Outside The Box: This skill allows him to decide for himself what an ambiguous or poorly phrased set of orders really means and how he should act on them. He rolls this as an obsession skill, since he exists to carry out these orders. If he rolls a “BOHICA” his internal memory generates what military personnel refer to as a “Charlie-Foxtrot.” If this occurs, have him screw something up big time, and have it have major consequences on the outcome of his mission.

Soul Skills: Drill Sgt Ass-Chewing (Intimidate w/ military flavor)- 50, Inspire/Council – 30

Personality: Watkins has been programmed to be like a walking John Wayne movie of cliché remarks. He has a sub-program that makes him light up a Marlboro every so often; just to make it all more convincing. He’s laconic and terse and seems introverted, when talking technical, mission-related jargon.

Obsession: He’s programmed to obsess on successful mission completion. His software library includes a chess Grandmaster program that continuously cycles in the back ground to determine how to get his mission accomplished.

Rockwell Collins has also seen to it, that he had passions programmed in. The way it works, is that his internal batteries generate twice as much power for a brief period of time to generate UA passion-like effects when he takes action.

Rage Passion: Enemies of the US who acquire magical powers.

Fear Passion: One of his soldiers dying. He might get stuck in a serious infinite DO-Loop if he’s ever directly ordered to leave one his boys behind.

Noble Passion: The seven Army Values.

Violence: 6 Hardened, 0 Failed
Unnatural: 5 Hardened, 2 Failed
Helplessness: 7 Hardened, 1 Failed
Isolation: 0 Hardened, 0 Failed
Self: 8 Hardened, 1 Failed

Watkins actually acquires madness meters. They show up as glitches in his software. Rather than seeing Headshrinker, he needs to be sent to Rockwell-Collins for another expensive overhaul in order to get these notches removed.

4 thoughts on “The Unknown Army Of One

  1. Insect King says:

    This is the Delta Green Steve Austin?

    The concept is nice but keeping him as a cyborg is a bit off. I enjoy Delta Green emmensely but it is too Indiana Jones for UA.

    You should’ve said that he’s a major automaton that ran off to join the army and has been there every since.

    He was the son the clockworker never had. Twice.

    He is partially a great asset and embarrassing liability to his COs but too valuable and deniable to let go.



  2. Unknown_VariableX says:

    What Chris said.

  3. Detective says:

    I like him. I also like the idea of having him as an automoton who enlisted. He might not have been much to begin with, but the Army could have upgraded him significantly once they realized their incredible good fortune. Another way to “be all that you can be.”

    I always liked that slogan better.

    A few problems- he has no Firearms skill, and I think his struggle skill is too low. Also, what does his “Think Outside the Box” skill do for him other than determine whether or not his computer messes up? It looks like he has “Strategize” for planning.

    And now some excerpts from …

    A Guide for the Militarily Disinclined

    The Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) is three events: 2 minutes of as many pushups as you can do, 2 minutes of as many situps as you can do, and a 2 mile run as fast as you can. There are different standards for age groups and genders.

    “Charlie” = C and “Foxtrot” = F in Army radio-speak; they use words instead of letters so that B isn’t confused with D, A with H, etc. CF stands for Cluster-Fuck, normally referring to a a poorly executed plan, an unexpected and confusing convergence of friendly forces, or bunch of soldiers standing around doing nothing useful.

    The Seven Army Values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage.

  4. Wiretrippa says:

    Y’know, Eponymous has a cousin who was a Green Beret……


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