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Good God! More rumors

Yup, more weirdness….

The trend of saying “Have a nice day!” and other miscelanious good wishes to customers is the cause of the 90’s economic boom. The boom wasn’t sustained because of the betrayal of the service industry by society at large when service industry wages didn’t keep up with inflation.

The B-movie C.H.U.D.s (Cannibilistic Huminoid Undergroud Dwellers) was based on actual events.

Jesus Christ has returned. He’s flipping burgers at an unnamed fast-food joint in Provo, UT.

A Narco-Alchemist in Burbank, CA has recreated the “flying ointment” supposedly used by witches to travel to their Sabbats. He’s using this new-found ability to fight crime.

Someone keeps stealing the commemorative plaque at the Alamo; local Cliomancers are growing increasingly concerned.

No non-Native American adept has survived a trip to Little Big Horn.

A Plutomancer has devised a modified version of the I Ching using 3 sets of 3 coins of differring denominations (e.g. 3 pennies, 3 nickels, 3 dimes). He accurately predicted the bust of the big tech stock bubble this way and managed to garner a Major Charge.

An Epideromancer has somehow modified some of the zebra mussels infesting the Great Lakes. These mussels are busily chewing through underwater cables laid through Lake Superior.

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