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Germ of an idea for someone

Could the levees breaking be a blow to Mak Attak? Or a turning point?

NOLA, like any other cities, has Scotsman branches. Most likely, any Attakers worked there, had their own little schemes going on.

9/11 was one blow to the cabal. Now, a whole city is flooded. What could their bulletin boards be like? What rumors would float (ha ha) about the looters and rioters reports? Has someone used the infamous ‘found’/’looted’ captioned pictures in a ritual? What of voudoun (and that haphazard avatar channelling)? Could GLS be in on it? Could this be a very drastic way to bring down the Rugged Individualist or something like that? Are conspiracy theorists when they cracked about a cruel form of ‘urban renewal.’ Did you hear the one about someone getting the Dead Kennedys’ “Kill the Poor” on his IPod before news of the levees breaking? Did someone see that crazy guy Jeeter trying to find some door, any door?

And would someone finally figure out what has been going wrong all this time? Mak Attak thwarted meltdown in the year 2000 because everyone in that cabal was focused on that goal. After that, they all went off on their quests and obsessions.

Now they got a chance to set things right, if they can only figure out what ‘right’ is.

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