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Idle Conversation

There was no such day as Thursday until 1842.

The gigantic Arch in St. Louis was built as a gateway to the West, alright; the dimensions were setup according to Masonic proportions. Any Avatar of the Pilgrim whose goal is to help the United States of America gets a huge boost of power if he walks through it while traveling from East to West.

There’s an old, frozen-over settlement in Antarctica, once populated by mages from all eras. It’s been totally frozen under layers of ice, but there’s a lot of artifacts for the taking if anyone could just get there.

The Michelson-Morley Experiment, that supposedly disproved the Aether theory, was an attempt by the Sleepers to cripple clockworking by discrediting some of its thematic building blocks in the public mind.

The Roanoke Colony vanished because of a time traveling Pilgrim named Howard Sheckle. He brought them all forward in time to become the basis of what we now know as the Amish Country.

There’s a man in Texas who does nothing but drive around rural areas and put needles inside of haystacks.

They stopped making paper clips out of iron after the Fae folk got their shit together to push for the aluminum industry. Their corporate headquarters are in Newfoundland.

People who hear radio transmissions in their dental fillings usually don’t know that the signals can be reversed and they can take control of radio transmitters with the right equipment. Sadly, if you tell one that, a SEAL team is instantly dispatched to kill them before the human receiver can get to a Radio Shack.

UV-proofing on modern eyeglasses doesn’t do anything to protect against ultraviolet light. It’s a chemical that blocks aura sight.

Zinc Powder can protect you against Plutomancer attacks!

The real reason the dodo was hunted to extinction was to deny magicians powerful material components.

People who are allergic to peanuts and peanut products have an immunity to all avatar powers as compensation.

You know why Bush vacations at his ranch in Texas so much? Because that’s where his Library is. Yeah, Bush is actually a Bibliomancer. So was the Elder Bush. Who do you think trained him?

When the Sternos and Bad Traffickers invaded San Fran, a lot of the dukes in L.A. started working on a sort of Adept Union. They’re on the right track, but I’m not joining up till they spring for a better dental plan.

One thought on “Idle Conversation

  1. Dr. Arbitrary says:

    I heard that Clinton was a Bibliomancer as well, the presidential races since 1992 have all been over several extremely rare books.


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