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Sin deeply, then bathe your sins away.

The act of bathing carries a clear symbology: by washing the body, you wash the soul.

You know this purity intimately. In this state of innocence, anything is possible. It is an elaborate, splendid thing, and you seek it.

You seek to return to the waters from which you were born. Dirty, guilty and tainted by the evils inside you and around you, you seek cleansing.

Symbolic Tension: The ablutomancer seeks purity and forgiveness, but can find it only through deeper and deeper defilement.

Generate a Minor Charge: Spend four hours in the water. If the water has been scented, purified, and ritually prepared beforehand, you can generate a minor charge in an hour instead. This could be a Baptist ceremony, an Afro-Caribbean devotion, or any other traditional or fabricated ritual, so long as it involves a formal, structured ceremony.
Generate a significant charge: Bathe in ritually prepared water for an hour after you have committed a serious sin. (Exactly what constitutes a “serious sin” is subjective, and up to the GM, but unwarranted violence, betrayal, theft or blasphemy would do the trick.) Alternately, bathe while you’re under the effect of a curse or other malignant magical effect. This won’t get rid of the curse, but see the “Purification” formula below.
Generate a major charge: Bathe in ritually prepared waters for an hour, after committing a truly horrific act, which hurt over a hundred people in an unrecoverable way, and which also left you physically soiled.

Taboo: Your state of innocence lasts only while you are bathing. You keep your charges only so long as you are nude (or wearing special vestments intended only for ritual bathing), and submerged at least halfway in water.

Blast: The ablutomancy blast is quite limited — it only affects a victim who’s in the same body of water that you are. The victim’s flesh drains into the water. This might mean blood seeping from pores, but, at higher levels of damage, could leave the victim’s body dissolving into a frothy red mass.

Charging Tips: Because most ablutomancy requires stationary bathing, charging isn’t really a factor. Gather charges when you need an effect, and commit misdeeds when the opportunity presents itself.

Starting Charges: None.

Minor Formulas

Minor Ablutomancy formulas can be used on yourself at the listed price, they can instead affect someone else at a cost of two additional minor charges. (An exception is “Wash Away Your Sins” which is always designed to affect others.) You can only affect others if they are in the same water that you are.

True Bathing
1 minor charge (3 if used on another)
You clean yourself deeply. Any poison, drug, infection, contamination or dirt is dissolved away.

Refresh the Body
1 minor charge (3 if used on another)
Heal damage equal to the sum of the dice.

2 minor charges (4 if used on another)
For the next 24 hours, gain a 10% bonus to any one skill related to charm or beauty until the next day.

Harsh Cleansing
3 minor charges
This is the albutomancy minor blast. It does damage equal to the sum of the dice rolled.

3 minor charges (5 if used on another)
You hear voices which seem to be a saint or god of your faith, whatever that might be. The voice offers guidance, advice and encouragement. You cannot specify what answers you will receive, but this divination will always provide some useful insight into your current situation.

Significant formulas

1 significant charge
You become overwhelmed with a sense of peace, safety, innocence and forgiveness. You can remove a single Hardened or Failed notch from any Madness Meter.

2 significant charges
Cleanses the soul thoroughly. Purification removes any curses or negative magic effects on you. Additionally, this formula heals damage equal the the value of the dice roll.

Amniotic Return
1 significant charge
This is the Ablutomancy significant blast. It does damage equal to the result of the dice roll. The victim’s flesh dissolves into the water.

One Water
2 significant charges
This formula is only used while you are alone in a still body of water. It’s used to spy on other water. Looking into the body of water, you can see and hear everything that happens in or above another small body of water — or section of a larger body of water — that you specify. You can keep watching as long as you are alone and watching the water. You can also go to the place you are watching: if you close your eyes and submerge yourself entirely, you’ll surface again in the body of water you are watching. Since you’re still in water, this doesn’t violate taboo.

Primordial Genesis
2 significant charges
Create an animal to do your bidding. The animal can be anything you’ve seen in person that spends time naturally in the water, and fits in your bath. For instance, you could call on a crocodile, crab, stingray or beaver, but not a dog or a elasmosaurus. When you create the animal, you can give complex instructions that it will understand, but otherwise its intelligence is normal for its kind. For instance, you could call on a duck and tell it to deliver a letter to a specific address, and give street directions – but the duck wouldn’t otherwise be smart. The animal dissolves into water instantly if you violate taboo.

Major Effects
Stop aging. Permanently become incredibly attractive. Gain the power to become a dolphin at will. Make a body of water impassible to enemies and hostile spirits. Dissolve a major artifact or creation.

What You’ve Heard
Reverend Ann “Siren” McHanrahan runs Baptismal, a “Pan-Christian Women’s Spa and Healing Retreat.” Baptismal is located on the site of a natural hot springs in northern California, and caters to the very wealthy. Reverand Ann herself has developed a pattern of systematically harassing and antagonizing adepts of San Francisco, Portland, and Nevada, often surprising them with her remarkable ability to recover quickly from injury and hardship. She gained very negative Sleeper attention once by sending a hippopotamus to attack an enemy.

7 thoughts on “Ablutomancy

  1. Mattias says:

    Suggestion: significant charges: bath in the blood of animals, ritually slaughtered (halal or kosher will do).

    Mayor charges: Bath in the blood or humans, ritually slaugthered (halal or kosher will do).

    Animal sacrifice has been a way to appease gods and remove sins since pretty much forever. And makes significant charges a bit more difficult than just swearinga few times before getting wet.

    How do you get more than one significant charge? Just sit in the bath for an extra hour or do you need new water and a new sin?


  2. TedPro says:

    Thanks for the comments and thoughts, as always, Mattias. I love the way you spot holes and new opportunities in content.

    I’d thought about the bathing in blood thing to go for the whole crazy Erzbet Bathory angle, but decided against it. Killing two people and bathing in their blood is a little too easy for a major charge, and bathing in blood isn’t quite the right angle. You can still do it – I mean, if you kill a hundred people (actually, you could probably get away with ten, since you’ll be affecting their families, too) and bathe in their blood, you’ve just gotta wash for an hour to get the major.

    Good question about the multiple significant charges. The way I was thinking, you need a new sin or curse. So, if you commit a sin (or thirty sins) and get a curse (or thirty curses), then go in the tub, you’ve got two significant charges there. To get any more than that, you’d have to commit more sins without leaving the baths, which is unlikely. That’s why none of the significant formulas cost more than two charges.

  3. Mattias says:

    I don’t know about mayor charges being easy, humans have about 5 liters of blood in them, and you can’t hardly take a shower with 10 liter fluid. A regular bathtub will fit 200-300 liter. The bather fills 60-70 liters of that (head sticks up) so thats 30-40 people right there, each selected for ritual significance… But I understand how you want away from bloodbathing… how about keeping the significant intact (with some tinkering and specifications on what constitutes a sin) and doing the blood thing for mayors?

    An alternative take on the whole thing is to do it a bit more Postmodern and do a compulsive cleanliness angle where you have to bath in more and more powerful cleaning agents, up to and including pickling acid for the mayor…

  4. Harbone says:

    Ritual cleansing is an important part of so many cultural magical traditions! Good eye for a school.

    The blast certainly has a vampire-hunter feel to it. I’m glad you decided not to go with the bathing-in-blood angle!

  5. bsushi says:

    I love the idea, but it feels a bit…redundant, like it’s stepping on its own toes.

    I like the idea that one only feels clean or pure after the filthiest of acts. That feels like a good foundation. It’s the effects that bother me. They symbolically purify themselves to be able to magickally purify themselves? Aside from being very narrow (aside from blasts, its power is effectively healing onesself to varying degrees), it is very difficult.

    Difficulty isn’t bad in this universe, but if I’m going to kill someone, just to be able to wash away the damage I incurred dealing with the societal aftermath of killing someone, it feels a little too zero-sum gain. Like there’s only one single thing this school can do.

    I love that the taboo is so restrictive. But that needs to be addressed by making it worth it. Maybe some more lasting purity effects (akin to the drugs of Narquis?) for when you’re trying to murder people all charge-less (i.e. out of your tub)? One Water + Blasts is a fun trick for being a stalker/murderer that never leaves water, but this school could use some more tricks.

  6. TedPro says:

    bsushi, great point!

    Maybe the following changes?

    Drop Freshness. Drop True Bathing, too, and add its effects into Cleanse the Body at no additional cost.

    Add two minor formulas to replace Freshness and True Bathing.

    Lady of the Lake (2 minor, 4 if used on another)
    You become invisible. This is identical to the Dipsomancy formula Just a Harmless Drunk, but it ends when the subject leaves the water.

    Ready to Face the Day (4 minor, 6 if used on another)
    Pick one activity you plan to do on the same day. You get a +30% to your next roll within

    24 hours relating to that action, whatever it may be.

    Combine Absolution and Purification into a formula that does both effects for the cost of one significant charge.

    Add a significant formula to replace Purification:

    Wash Those Tears Away
    1 significant charge
    Pick a single target. If you roll above the target’s mind, he or she will completely forgot one thing you’ve done.

    I think that’s makes for a more potent and varied adept, while still keeping flavor.

  7. Harbone says:

    Well, I dunno. I feel that this is right for a UA game.

    The idea of a character who commits horrible acts and gets away with them socially, even though everybody REMEMBERS the horrible act is kind of what I was thinking this would do.

    Like some guy who performed worse and worse acts of depravity yet everyone still liked them and forgave them, they might even become heroes. It’s certainly hardwired into our culture to admire the most evil among us, an act which this magic enhances and rewards.


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