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Personomancer, vigilante and Agent of Renunciation

Cosmic Level Agent of Renunciation – Alter.

Rembrandt Link was a normal man, with a girlfriend and a good home, on a course at university in London. Link was a real player with the ladies before meeting Lucy, but he chose to settle down and stick to one girl. Plans were formed and sacrifices were made.
It all started to come undone the night that art thieves broke into his mother’s studio, while she was showing him her new glasswork masterpieces. A fight ensued in which Link’s mother was raped and then murdered. Link went into a frenzy and killed the intruders with a large lathe blade, finally finishing off the last man using one of the works- a one-way mirrored mask- as a brutal club.
Link was put into jail, and his father suffered a breakdown that resulted in suicide. Lucy became estranged. When he finally got out a year later, toughened by jail, he found that the family had nothing because the money was tied up in art works that no longer could be sold. All he had was a house, the mirror mask, and a few thousand pounds. He burned down the house.
Link took to living on the streets, taking small jobs like bar work, shaving and washing in pub toilets. He could barely hold on to Lucy’s affection, and became a confused, angry wreck. Then he met an Agent of Renunciation.
Soon afterwards, there was a new vigilante force on the streets of London. A man who wore a curved, featureless mirror mask and long dark coat, and killed with a curved sword. When looking at him, the mask’s curve made the reflection grotesquely altered like a carnival mirror; to Link, this meant that the last thing his low life victims saw was their true, monstrous selves. Alter was born.

Now and then Alter is called by the Room of Potential to take in a mundane with the psychological potential to become an adept. The Room takes the user through a variety of false realities until they 1) accept the existence of magic, 2) release preconceived notions of how the world works (linked to the school they will learn, e.g. the room will show a potential time mage a scenario where time is irrelevant) and 3) fight back at the room, using their developing power. When they are ready, Alter will release them to their old lives, but firstly they all get the option of becoming an Agent of the room. Alter himself spent 20 years in the room, not ageing or having any time pass in the real world, until he accepted Personomancy as his sheild against the acts of violence he commited for justice.

Summary: Wandering vigilante with a pure rage against crime.

Personality: Friendly but with a tendency to close himself up at a moment’s notice. He is very cold with people he does not know.

Obsession: (Personomancy) Walk the path of the killer.

Rage Stimulus: Any kind of rape
Fear Stimulus: (Self) Admitting what he is.
Noble Stimulus: Saving lives

Body: 70 (Powerful)
General Athletics: 40
Struggle: 70
Tough as Nails: 20

Speed: 70 (Shadow)
Dodge: 40
Driving: 15
Initiative: 40
Free Running: 40
Firearms: 30

Mind: 50 (Collected)
General Education: 30
Notice: 30
Conceal: 25
Psychology: 25

Soul: 70 (Attuned)
Charm: 30
Lying: 30
Intimidation: 15
Magick – Personomancy: 70

Violence H 5 Violence F 1

Unnatural H 4 Unnatural F 1

Helplessness H Helplessness F 2

Isolation H 4 Isolation F 2

Self H 2 Self F 2

A long, curved katana, a mirrored mask which inspired Self checks on those who gaze into it for too long.
The usual House powers

8 thoughts on “Alter

  1. Unfinishedbusinessman says:

    Hmm. I was expecting him to speak the alter tongue from Pomo

  2. Unfinishedbusinessman says:

    At least he has a Katana

  3. ervae says:

    No idea what Pomo is?

    Though i admit taking the name Alter from the r/p game Obsidian.

    I should have added that Alter’s story is about his break up with Lucy; its long and ardous and its what makes him keep going back to london despite being able to pop up anywhere with the Room’s power.

  4. Unfinishedbusinessman says:

    Post Modern magick, sorry. Also I kinda got the impression that an Agent does where the Room wants him to/where he’s needed.

  5. Cal_Lous says:


    doesn’t an agent of renunciationhave to have the “agent of renunciation” soul skill?

  6. ervae says:

    you might be right, cant check at the mo cuz i havent got my book here. if so id probably lower personomancy to 50 and have 30 in agent skill

  7. drallensmith says:

    The Agent of Renunciation skill is not needed in UA 2nd edition.

  8. sorcerymon says:

    Definitely liking this. Especially the mask, perfect for a sense of impending dread.
    But a room that makes Adepts? It’s interesting for sure, but what about Avatars? I see some potential in this.


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