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Kid Nihil

What defines existence? Can you prove something existed by destroying it?

Nihil (AKA. Jimmy Durante)

Durante was the punk-a$$ed kid who always had to ask “Why?” or “Why Not?” One day he realized that most people did not know. The scientist didn’t know why protons, neutrons and electrons existed or how friction actually worked at the molecular level and the priest couldn’t prove God really existed without inviting him on a leap of faith.

Durante decided that nothing existed that couldn’t be proven. He then made the critical error of reading David Hume and interpreting this to mean that nothing, therefore, existed. So that led Durante to question himself. He had to exist, or he wouldn’t know about his own non-existence.

He then set about trying to destroy things. This gave him reassurance that they actually existed; simply because he could trash them. This led him to Annihilomancy. The avenue by which he wants to prove there was such a thing as a Big Bang.

Name: Jimmy Durante

Personality: Confused and utterly disconnected from reality. He is engaged in a constant philosophical debate, in which he loses to himself. But that’s OK, he assumes he doesn’t exist, so it doesn’t count anyhow. If he sounds like an F’up, it’s not just because of coincidence.

Obsession: (Annihilomancy) as a method to prove the prior existence of matter via its destruction.

Wound Points: 50

Rage Passion: Materialism. People who obsess over things, don’t understand that they may not even be real.

Fear Passion: He is afraid he will prove he really exists and have to justify having wasted forty-seven years of his life.

Noble Passion: Anyone who establishes a clear and unmistakable identity has Jimmy’s admiration. It doesn’t even have to be a particularly nice identity, just a clear one.

Body (50): Surprisingly solid and large-boned. General Athletics: 30%, Big Guy In The Way: 50%

Speed (40): Two very cumbersome left feet. Rumble 20%, Drive 20%, Hand-Gun 20%

Mind (55): Deep, philosophical, but not well attuned to reality. Obscure Philosophical Tracts – 50%, MindFkuc – 55%

Soul (65): It’s there, he’s just not sure it exists. Annihilomancy – 55%, Existential Angst That inspires Sympathy and Seduces Some Weird Females – 35%

Madness Meters:

Violence (1H/2F) – Hates the sight of blood. Will visibly flinch while watching horror movies.

Unnatural (4H/0F) – Does nature exist. What is it anyway?

Helplessness (2H/5F) – If you aren’t, you’re pretty helpless.

Isolation (4H/0F) – Is a singular point that can’t prove it exists even capable of sensing isolation?

Possessions: A crappy pair of jeans, a ragged flannel shirt, Army surplus BDU jacket, Napsack with four or five obscure philosophical books.

Knows his Formula Spells for Annihilomancy. Plus has invented a spell called “Learn From The Crucible” described below.

Learn From The Crucible – 2 Minor – The Annihilomancer has to use another spell to magically ignite an object. By expending two additional minors, he can discover who owned the object and why they wanted it (if it wasn’t obvious from the object’s physical nature).

2 thoughts on “Kid Nihil

  1. Unknown_VariableX says:

    Nice. An Annihilomancer who’s into philosophy. The Tao of Arson.

    You win a cookie, which may or may not exist. But you definitely win.

  2. pedant says:

    Mmmmmmmmmm, very nice indeed. I especially like the dangers of reading Hume… Perhaps there ought to be some sort of advisory notice on his works such as “Warning, may undermine faith in knowledge, existence, personal identity and miscellaneous other”.


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