Trucker voodoo and the mages of the open road.
It took a long time to find your real mother.
Not the one who raised you, mind you, but the one who provides for you now. The roads are your home, your womb, your bounty and your protection. Mother Road is good to you.
And all she asks of you is that you accept her love. You worship the roads in the most natural fashion possible: you drive on them. It’s a holy, constant prayer of devotion, and the road answers your prayers.
Generate a minor charge: Every time you enter a ground vehicle, you immediately gain a charge. You get another charge for every three hours of straight driving. If you’re a passenger, you only get the one charge for getting in, and sitting in an unmoving car gets you nothing.
Viamancy does not generate significant or major charges, and has no blast.
Taboo: If you leave a vehicle for any reason, you immediately lose all charges.
Symbolic Tension: For a Viamancer, the road is home. Adepts only feel stability in motion.
Random Magic: Providence. Mother Road gives you what you need as long as you stay within her domain.
Charging Tips: Unless you spend your whole life in the car, you’re only going to gather charges right before you need them. Plan a few hours in advance at least. You start with no charges, of course.
Minor Formulas
Mother Road’s Wrath
1 minor charge
Use this formula on a driver you can see. The driver must immediately make a Drive roll or spin out of control. Depending on speed and road conditions, this can be inconvenient or deadly.
Mother Road’s Love
1 minor charge
Until your vehicle stops, you (or whoever’s driving) get no Drive penalty for weather, light, traffic, speed or road conditions. Things like injury, sleep deprivation and alcohol still give penalties.
The Crossroads
3 minor charges
Only usable when you’re driving on a lonely road. Give a one-word description of a person you’d like to meet (like “rich” or “French” or “detective”). You’ll meet a hitch-hiker who matches that description within ten miles of driving. Extremely specific or exotic requests (like “psychic” or “Madonna”) may fail – if this happens, you instead pick up a polite but reserved musician of extraordinary talent, and you get back two of your three charges. The hitch-hiker’s attitude and story will vary. The GM makes up the details.
3 minor charges
Only usable when you’re driving on a lonely road. Make one permanent change to your car. You can repair damage, change the color, fill the gas tank, change the license plate number, and so on. You can change the make, model or year of the car, but only one. You can also add or remove standard hardware or accessories – you could create a souped-up engine or a car-phone, but not a machinegun or a toaster oven.
5 minor charges
Only usable when you’re driving on a lonely road. Ask the road a question. You’ll have a prophetic visions answering your question (perhaps enigmatically.) Hallucinating while driving is dangerous – you’ll need to make a Drive roll to keep control of your car.
What You’ve Heard
Joel Cassard was a truck driver who learned to love the road and found magic in it. He started training truckers, car afficionados, and traveling salesmen in his style of worship. He never called it Viamancy – he always just called his magic “Trucker Voodoo.” Joel claimed he’d found a way to drive on the Road to Heaven. Maybe he did, or maybe the Sleepers got him, but either way, he was never seen again
There’s been several very fine schools written related to cars. I had fun writing Myomancy, and wanted to write another simple, slightly low-powered, minimalist school. This one’s a little more open-ended, but should still be pretty easy for people who are playing adepts the first time.
…somebody had to say it.
These low level magick schools are nifty. Like the logical progression of Mageekian abilities. Looking forward to the next one.
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