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The Trunk of No Returns

As thorough and complete as a wood-chipper, with no messy pink mist.

Sonny “The Teacher” Mordano doesn’t mess around. He serves his cousin Alejandro “The Spider” Mordano as a trouble shooter. He shoots anyone else Spider tells him to as well.

There used to be this bummer deal where they had to get rid of the bodies. That’s been solved, at least for the nonce.

Sonny drives an old, beat down, Caddy with a big, spacious trunk. The trunk is actually the ever-hungry maw of a powerful demon that Sonny cut a deal with. Sonny feeds it victims three days a month, the demon chomps them into smithereens and removes all evidence from the seemingly harmless trunk.

There’s a couple of catches. Sonny is really careful never to leave that sucker open. What if Aunt Matilda’s cat jumped in, or maybe the demon let loose with an extra-dimensional loud belch?

Then, there’s the problem of what happens if there’s a wreck or if some punk thinks Sonny’s not a nice guy (imagine that?) and wires the car with a powerful bomb. WWDD (What would Demon Do?)

It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now Sonny is scratching his head and wondering….

One thought on “The Trunk of No Returns

  1. Storyteller says:

    WWDD. Very amusing.
    Maybe they should make cute bracelets of that.


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