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Gossip and Lies

Put your ear to the ground and hear the noise of the Underground.

Before they added the blue colored M&Ms, you could eat the other colors in the right order and gain a magickal charge.

Painting the Astrological symbol for Uranus on a car’s hood, using the blood of a man who was not nursed on his biological mother’s milk as an infant, will cause that car to be struck by lightning inside of a week.

A few elite dentists keep the fragments of anything they extract and sometimes trade certain specimens for ritual purposes. These rituals can make the caster stronger, tougher, faster, smarter, or more spiritually powerful. Why do you think they’re always saying you should get your wisdom teeth pulled?

Replace a recently dead body’s blood supply with lukewarm seawater collected from the coast of Tierra del Fuego, and it becomes a perfect body for demons to hop into and control. Of course, nobody knows how to control them, so it’s really rather pointless and dangerous.

The Strategic Defense Initiative was never about lasers. SDI satellites are actually alchemical equipment, modernized, computerized, and built on a grand scale. At the push of a button, the President could turn vast parts of the earth’s surface into gold. Assuming they told him about it when he got the job.

Throw a flower bouquet at a rage mage; if it touches him, any spell he tries to cast in your presence fizzles for the next five minutes.

Magick is actually a human mutation, a la X-Men. It can’t be taught to anyone who lacks the necessary gene structures, no matter how hard they try to learn.

The top secret ingredient of Coca-Cola is ground walrus tusk.

Ringo was the only one of the Beatles who didn’t participate in the ceremonies they held to place magickal influence in their song lyrics.

A huge number of Narcotic Alchemists around the world are working on creating ficticious drugs, from the Spice in Dune to the Spice in Star Wars, the Soma of Huxley’s Brave New World and the Eye Candy in the computer game Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun. Each one is convinced it’s the pinacle, major charge work of their school.

Every human has a “dark side”, a twin representing the opposite of their ideals. These twins are the real Agents of Renunciation, capturing people and taking their places in the world. It’s possible to merge with your dark twin and gain magickal power through the fusion of opposites, but the ritual to do this leaves you wide open for demon possession.

Magick has grown like a weed in the past decade because of repression of technological advances by the oil and pharmecutical companies. Mankind has an instinctive drive to grow and develop; since it can’t to this physically, it’s doing it meta physically.

The Secret of Superconductor, leader of the Mak Attax cabal, is that he’s actually a transdimensional inversion of Ronald the spokesclown. His plan is to use Mak Attax to turn the earth into a wasteland; the whole start-the-millenium-off-good was just to make everyone relax their guard before the 9/11 strike.

You can use a real mouse in place of a computer mouse, if you don’t mind getting scratched and bitten a lot. All machines we have are based on the properties of animals on earth, and the animals can fill those rolls very easily. Electric Eels, for example, make great radios.

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