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Love Potion v.9.1

So what happens when the magic creation of an adept doesn’t work?

Tommy Draffert wanted Linda Huntsly like no one else he’d ever laid eyes on before. He didn’t know much about getting women in the conventional way, but he new a think or two about meta-magical chemistry. That is, he knew how to brew up potions and make magic pills that did lots of fun things.

So he whips up a pill for Linda that would make her permanently attached to whoever gave it to her. Then he made the mistake of telling Skip Nix, a fellow adept, about his plans.

Well, Skip thinks the pill is great, and that boffing Linda would be a bowl of cherries. He therefore beats Draffert down, boosts said magical pill and slips it in Little Ms. Linda’s next grasshopper.

For a short time, Skippy got thinks his way. Linda worshipped him, and he could try things out on her that no sane woman would even consider. Then Draffert gets out of Northside General.

Draffert drills Nix with a .45 Caliber enema. Good night and Good riddance! But Linda’s still deeply attached.

So much so that she gets arrested for attempting to hijack his body from the morgue and has to plead insanity to avoid thirty days in the stir.

She later ends up getting sent to The Pysch Ward for trying to run the funeral hearse off the road and hijack Nix’s body. The sad story finally ends when she escapes the Loony Bin, steals a pick axe and disinters Skippy.

She’s so upset over how badly he has decomposed, that she kills herself with the pick axe in a particularly gruesome fashion. Happy Valentine’s Day. Kissy, Kissy.

4 thoughts on “Love Potion v.9.1

  1. Unknown_VariableX says:

    Perhaps Draffert should have studied the Evil Overlord’s List.

  2. Qualia says:

    Inquiring minds want game stats!

  3. privateI says:

    Game stats….

    Charges: Make it cost a sig to start the downloading of spell effects to the potion of pill. Make the spell effects come off the formula list for Pornomancers, any spell will do, depending upon the desired effect. Charge the PC an additional number of charges equal to the power of the spell in order to download the actual spell effect.

    Resistance Roll: The effected target must roll vs. the appropriate spell downloaded to the pill. Since we charged the caster a sig to kick off the process, give the target an additional -10% shift.

    Oh, and just to be an evil Game Master, make them save vs. Helplessness at Lvl 3.

  4. The McK says:

    There’s actually something very similar to this in GURPS Warehouse 23. (Yes, yes, boo, hiss, but the fluffier books, especially the Illuminati-related ones, are great sources of inspiration).

    I bring it up only because the W23 version kept working even after the victim died.


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