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The Nullity

“He takes up space with nothing. There by being unthere.”

Attributes: The nullity takes an important role in a society, an event or an organization and then alters that entity by doing nothing when something is expected. The cop who watches, but doesn’t intervene or the assassin who has the shot, but just can’t take it, or the guy who joins the group project and then torpedoes it by simply not having his stuff done are all examples of the nullity in action. This sort of activity is not an oversight, like a shortstop dropping an easy pop fly, it’s premeditated. It involves three steps to follow this archetype.

1) Location: Get into a position of power or responsibility. Somewhere where the Nullity has a great potential value.
2) Lever: Assume or arrange to get tasked with some task or deed of great value. It can be repetitive or a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Bottom line: It has to require a specific action.
3) The Zero: Do not do the ‘Lever’ task and nullify the value of your location.

Taboos: Proactively preventing something from happening or initiating an original thought or action from an important position.

Symbols: The null set, anti-matter, the Black Hole, aleph-null.

Suspected Avatars in history: Louis XVI, Czar Nicholas, The Reactor Operator at Chernobyl, the Radar Operator on Hawaii who spotted Japanese bombers ½ hour before they reached Pearl.


1%-50%: Wile The Hours in Useless Toil. This channel causes others near the Nullity to waste their time. It works for one three hour period and can effect up to four people. It will forestall them from doing any productive work towards the accomplishing of one selected task.

51%-70%: Nothing Really Matters, any fool can see… This channel makes the target lose interest in all things that matter or are part of the daily routine. The effected individual will stare at the boring Internet all day. They won’t eat, sleep, go to work or even use the facilities for one 24 hour period. Get this one right four days in a row, and you might just kill your victim from toxic shock. It can only work on one person at a time, and once the avatar fails a check, that person can never be effected again.
71%-90%: The inbox: People around the nullity will give that person all the info, data or material to do a task and than completely forget they gave it to the nullity or that the task even has to be done. It works for one specific task or project. Once success is rolled once, all new people joining the task or project are also effected with respect to that project.

91%-99%: Kill Time: The nullity can make a calendar day disappear from all universal consciousness with a successful check. The Nullity instantly and irrevocably dies and is run through the House of Renunciation if the task is failed.

100%: Wound Eternity: This makes time start running backwards. The Nullity is revealed as the nemesis to The Comte St. Germain; the intended 332nd Ascension. This ability can only be used the instant before St. Germaine ascends; as a last effort to prevent The New Echelon.

What You’ve Heard: Ayn Rand, Nostradamus, Nietzsche and Oswald Spangler all predicted and warned that this figure would appear. This is a seeming ‘heresy’ popular among some of the cosmically aware who don’t quite buy the way those ‘know-it-alls’ say it will happen.

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