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Baal Chemists

Sorcerors of the Genetic Tetragrammaton


AKA The True Namers, the Baal Chem

In the Beginning was YHVH and He created all life.

The Holy Tetragrammaton has puzzled religious thinkers
and mystical speculators about its simplicity,
complexity, and its promise for climbing closer in our
understanding of Him. Each letter was an engine of
creation which pointed in different directions but was
the whole. Although it was a sacred duty to meditate
upon these things, there where hucksters who also
worshipped the power of God but sought to manipulate
it. Through rearranging the order of words so the
combinations could unlock power, create magick.

These sorcerers were the Baal Shem; the thieves of
knowledge and blasphemers with the ability to decode
and remake all creation. They were true adepts of
their time, recognisable in their attitude and
execution of their magick.

As the years waned and cultures grew, interest in
sorcery changed, new things were accepted and old
ideas lost their flexibility. And so did the Baal
Shem, with their ever ready YHVH words of power. Their
rules went into the cold storage of old books written
by magickally dry occultists. And so they were passed
down, flittered about in discussions, and occasionally

But old, powerful ideas do not die easy, they can
spontaneously resurrect when the correct grail is
found, the hollow idea which can be filled with the
liquid of pure imagination and will. And so with one
student of ancient occult, it happened, he saw the
book and magazine lying side by side, open to the
right pages.

On one page was YHVH, the other, AGCT. And then
everything just fell into place like a puzzle
assembling in reverse motion. Religious philosophy and
genetic science were one and the same.

It wasn’t a complete cohesion, some puzzle pieces
where in backwards, or the wrong way around. He would
have to keep looking at the larger pattern, before
finding the small inconsistencies. Of course changing
one tiny piece altered the larger pattern, so it is
hard work and the gains are few but one day it will be
completed, and God’s face will be seen.

AGCT is the Tetragrammaton, the True Genome, the
Unpronounceable Name of God. Our individual genomes
are our True Names two-billion characters long, and by
rewriting our True Names, we can cause a miraculous
change, a new creation.

As above, so below is the running irony of the Baal
Chem. It is the apotheosis of everything else that
makes us human, but not actually us; deep in all the
bone, blood, meat, gristle is where God sits, in the
tiny arrangements of molecules, the delicate chains of
deoxyribonucleic acid that exists innocuously in every
living parcel. The most powerful information coherence
in the world built of the most of fragile filigree.
The most powerful being of the universe is the also
one of the weakest.

Through our consensual landfill of waste religious
orthodoxy and mythology we abandoned God, and through
our embrace of science and experiment, we have found
Him again. We have found him in all of us, the destiny
in everything that lives.

And so the school of the Baal Chemistry was born,
alchemically uniting old magick and modern science;
uniting Baal Shem and Genetics, and making the magick
of God’s Chemicals.


Baal Chemistry is in not in its infancy, but there are
few practitioners, mostly in the Middle East, but
migrating outwards. The basics are already down but
the school is not going to progress unless the
students learn Hebrew, or the science of molecular
chemistry, or both. It doesn’t have to be to rigorous
academic standards but the skills must be bought.

Although firmly rooted in Hebrew mysticism Baal
Chemistry isn’t a Jewish school. Anyone with adept
potential can learn the school.

Baal Chem relies on the sympathetic law of imitation.
The law is quite simple, if anything appears like
something else, it will act upon that something else.
The Baal Chem use a symbolic version of the Law of
Imitation, the Law of Names.

One side of the Baal Chemist’s genetic sorcery is that
successful significant effects alter the DNA
permanently which might throw off testing.

Blast Style: The Baal Chem can bobby trap scrolls to
give blasts but it cause sickness or even cancer.
Although the spells are slow they may be fatal over a
long period of time.

Random Magick Domain: random magick is antithetical to
Baal Chemistry. They might lack true diversity, but
the Tetragrammatists can stack magicakal effects on
top of each other unlike any other school.

Generate a minor charge: For four hours study the
Bible, cabala, The Tetragrammaton, and other tracts of
Jewish mysticism, or write an essay condensing your

Generate a significant charge: There are no
Significant charges only significant effects generated
by actively manipulating the genetic code in yourself
or others.

Generate a major charge: Discover a lost tract on the
Tetragrammaton and be the first to study it. Discover
a break though in genetics research, such as
controlling the telomere cancer-cellular mitosis
relationship. Work a change over ten years that works.

Taboo: Their work is sacred and may never be
abandoned. If the Baal Chemist is ever interrupted
from his significant works, they reset and have to be
started over again.

The Baal Chem cannot touch any separated tissue or
fluids of the target that are derived from injury.
Touching blood and other tissues breaks taboo as the
law of imitation is subverting by the law of
contagion. If the Baal Chem gets splashed with a
limited amount of tissue, he can scrub off to avoid

The temple of the Baal Chemist is generally as close
to sterile as any scientific laboratory.

Unlike other adepts, The renamers can incorporate
different spells into one, as long as they add up the
time taken and roll their Magick: Baal Chemistry

Minor Baal Chemistry Formula Spells

A (one minor charge)
The Baal Chemist can diagnose any living body and give
a pretty accurate idea of what is going on at that

T (one minor charge)
The Baal Chemist can correct minor imperfections,
purge the body of toxins, exhaustion, and turn back
the body’s clock limitedly for about as many months as
the sum of the Magick: Ball Chemistry skill. This
doesn’t regenerate lost limbs or heal damage, but it
removes and smoothes imperfections like scars,
wrinkles, and acne, hangovers, reduces infections,
cleans the system, and improves the person’s sense of
wellbeing. A person with this spell heals 1 wound
point has a +10% on all his first stress check

The Baal Chemist will use T as a cleansing preparation
before performing a procedure.

C (two minor charges)
The Genetic Tetragrammatist can improve healing and
assist in recovery by rolling his Magick: Baal
Chemistry skill as if he was a doctor.

G (three minor charges)
This minor blast spell makes the target’s body react
as if it were invaded by foreign germs. The target
suffers from a debilitating fever. Unless the
character gets bed rest for as many days as the sum of
the Magick: Baal Chemistry skill, he cannot heal
through convalescence. If the character is actively
physically stressing his body, he takes one wound
point per roll whether successful or not.

Significant Baal Chemistry formula effects

Targeted effects
The significant effects do not have to be performed
with the target present, but the Baal Chemist must at
least have some knowledge of who the person is, to
have some idea of the person’s True Name. Basically
this: no name -10%, no picture -10%, no basic
personality profile -10%, or no truthful history -10%.
If the Baal Chemist can touch the victim, the penalty
is reduced by 30%. The Baal Chem cannot increase his
skill this way.

Rearranging Genomes
The spells are basically formulations, long strings of
the Tetragrammaton characters AG and CT written on
paper scrolls. The paper can be worn as an amulet or
scrunched up and swallowed as a pill. Placing the
spell on unknowing or unwilling targets is a bit
problematic but nothing that can be solving without
some quick thinking, sneaky long-fingers or
elbow-greasing thugs.

Once the spell is on the person’s body, it takes about
an hour to ready or activate. Removing the scroll
before then diffuses the magick but the scroll is
still active.

For a safety measure the scrolls can actually
described to target a specific person, who is listed
Tetragrammatically in the formulation.

The Abundance of God’s Blessing (One days work)
By spending one day working the Baal Chemist can
regenerate one point of Body. This includes the slow
re-growth of lost limbs and organs. This spell cannot
replace damaged tissue just replace what is missing.
Due to the complexity of tissue re-growth it might
take many weeks or months before the area is restored.

The Passion of David (One days work)
The target may re-roll one failed but non-magickal
Soul-based skill and Speed-based skill roll.

A Visitation from the Angel of Betrayal (Two days
The Baal Chemist can disrupt cellular activity by
scribbling over the cell’s ability to control their
own division, allowing them to multiply unstoppably
into cancerous tissue.

After spell is cast, the opponent rolls his Body stat
once per week. If it fails he takes the highest die in
damage to his Body. This roll continues once per week
until either the cancer kills the target or he
successful convalesces, healing his Body back to full
while not taking any damage. At which point the cancer
has gone into permanent remission. Otherwise, if the
cancer is detected within the first month, it can be
safely removed.

The Legacy for Esau (Three days work)
The next four Mind stat or skill checks are
flip-flopped to their worst result. Obsession skills
simply do not flip-flop.

The Sword of God (Three days work)
The Sword of God is a strange blast spell. It invokes
rage in anyone interacting with the target. No
everyday things like buying from the market or
speaking to people at your office, but when a roll is
required. If the roll fails, it triggers their Rage

There isn’t much control over the situation, but at
the wrong time with the right person, the results can
be fatal. The person tagged with the Sword of God
comes across as hiding crucial personal secrets,
arrogant, and irritating. Triggering the anger doesn’t
cause a stress check, only the results of it do.

The Sword of God works once.

Blessings on the House (Four days work)
With this spell the ability to conceive a child is
made better. Not only is the act blessed to be
fruitful (the Fertility chance is half of Body), one
partner gets a flip-flopping and the other, a re-roll,
but the sex of the child can be chosen by the one who
rolled highest. This scroll works once per sexual

The Lions of Daniel (Four days work)
While the target is protected by the Lions of Daniel,
it triggers or creates the Noble Passion of the
animals for the benefit of the target, regardless of
how they are feeling or trained to act. The animal
certainly won’t attack but it might not let the
character pass an area it was set to guard. Animals
might even get playful and unintentionally hurt the

Wild dogs will not attack her, but they will maul
clothing and bags to get to food, rats will climb and
nuzzle their way inside her clothing. Once the spell
is in effect it lasts twenty-four hours.

Loss of the Innocence of Eden (Five days work)
This spell rewrites history recorded onto genetic
memory, the target’s twenty billion character True
Name. The successful roll can rearrange three failed
and hard notches from any three chosen meters. The
notches can be placed on any other gauge, Hard or

Perfecting the Perfect (Five days work)
This scroll permanently removes any inherited genetic
disease from a person unless the disease has already
manifested. The disease’s harmfulness is eradicated
and will not pass it along the target’s germline from
that point.

Once the genetic malfunction has manifested, there is
nothing the Baal Chem can do about it.

The Flesh of Methuselah (Six days work)
This spell rejuvenates the target’s body effectively
removing the debilitating effects of tissue damage,
decrepitude, injury, and internally halving the
person’s age. Externally there is little actual change
but the spry person may act and thus look younger.
Cosmetic surgery and extensive spa treatments may help
further at this point.

This spell heals Wound Points equal to the sum of the
Magick: Ball Chemistry roll.

Void of the Nameless (Seven days work)
The dead are generally beyond the purview of the Baal
Chemist. If you do not have a body you have no True
Name, their lives are over and thus Nameless. With
Void of the Nameless, a possessed person can regain
control over his or her body by imprisoning the demon
within their mind, and like an oyster, form a psychic
pearl around the irritant.

This spell forces the demon to roll possession to
escape or be trapped in the victim’s mind as he
regains control. It is crushed underneath the
awakening mind, trapped. The victim may have dim

Unless the demon has some magickal means of escaping
it is trapped in some disused and sound-proofed
basement of the victim’s mind. Over time the entity
just decays into oblivion.

The Void of the Nameless is also proof against
possession attempts in the first place. The possessing
entity just smacks into the target’s body like it was

Once the demon is imprisoned, it is there permanently.
The spell gives twenty-four hours protection once

The Lamentations of Solomon (Eight days work)
The spell allows the target to increase his Mind and
Soul stat at a rate of one experience point per Stat
point. The maximum number of purchases is equal to the
sum of the Magick: Baal Chemistry roll. This spell
only raises the stats, not the skills.

Major Baal Chemistry Effects
Change one species into another, read God’s will in
someone’s genome, eradicate aging, raise stats to
superhuman levels, create the perfect killer immune
system, grow a perfect clone body in a few hours,
permanently remove all genetic imperfections and
disease from a person.

5 thoughts on “Baal Chemists

  1. Smajie says:

    Ba’al Shem is singular; the plural form is Ba’alei Shem. Also, these line breaks are extremely annoying, so I didn’t read the whole thing. Maybe later.

  2. Smajie says:


    * Feminine form: Ba’alat Shem
    * Plural feminine form: Ba’alot Shem
    However, women aren’t supposed to have anything to do with mysticism in Judaism.

    * Instead of adding “the”, in Hebrew you’re supposed to add “ha-” to the second word (shem). So the definite singular masculine form would be “Ba’al haShem”, the definite singular feminine form is “Ba’alat haShem”, and so on.

    * “Chemistry” in Hebrew is “chimiah”, and you could substitute that for the English.

    Granted, some of these are trickier to incorporate into English sentences so you might want to avoid them. Your choice.

  3. Insect King says:

    Thanks for the tips, but these guys have just taken the magick and shucked off the grammar.

    I do not see the Baal Chemists as pious in a general sense. They’re magicians trying to hack a direct line to God and suck up some of his processing power.

    But I suppose it would be closer to proper Hebrew if they speak it, the Israeli Ba-al Chimiah (?).

    I do not know why the page curled like that. Copypaste onto a document and change it.



  4. Smajie says:

    I’m familiar with the whole “these are excited ignorant people” argument, but often the author of a thing resorts to it because he doesn’t know the language, not because he thinks that’s best.

    “Ba’al Chimiah” would be right, though the ayin there is best translated as an apostrophe, in my opinion. It’s an actual guttural consonant that just isn’t represented in English.

  5. Insect King says:

    “I’m familiar with the whole “these are excited ignorant people” argument, but often the author of a thing resorts to it because he doesn’t know the language, not because he thinks that’s best.”

    Oh. I just stab wildly in blind ignorance and hope it sounds right at the end.



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