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or: What they want you to believe

Inspired by The Time Cube guy.
You see, we know that belief creates a lot of magickal power. But the belief in something that makes everybody thinks you’re a complete idiot, that gives you even more power. You can try to convince people that the earth is a cube or that Bush wants to invade Egypt for the pyramids and you can even do very crazy things to safe the earth as you know it, but when people think you’re insane they are also more prone to think you’re harmless. And those that do believe you are even more vulnerable. Not to mention useful

Random Magick: Secrecy and madness
Taboo: Believe in your own stories. Whenever you fall into madness, you’re vulnerable and dysfunctional in the paranoia. Also, revealing the conspiracy as untrue will destroy all charges. Breaking taboo will also destroy the effects from the blasts.
Symbolic tension: An intricate web of believe and unbelieve. Generating faith for others while you have no faith yourself.

Minor Charge: Tell someone about a conspiracy about anything. You will get the charge when someone thinks about your story the next time they come into contact with the object of your conspiracy. You will gain an extra charge when the someone tells your conspiracy to anyone else.

Significant Charge: You will gain a significant charge when someone acts upon your conspiracy. For example: after you told them that KFC has a genetically manipulated centipede consisting of breasts and wings and legs that they use for their products, people stop eating at KFC. You can also gain a significant charge if someone personally suggests you seek professional help after hearing your story.
Note: When the effect of your conspiracy wears of (ie the ‘victim’ starts eating chicken again), your charge disappears unless you already used it.

Mayor Charge: You conspiracy becomes public knowledge and causes a change in the behaviour of a lot of people. This can include the downfall of a politician, bankruptcy of a fast-food chain, but also can include assassination attempts, riots and demonstrations. You also gain a major charge if you are institutionalised because people think you are a danger to society. Every session of electroshock-therapy generates a major charge.

Charging tips: Get a page on the web. This would easily get you a good number of minor charges a day and maybe even a significant charge.

Minor blast ‘Yeah, I heard about that’: With a minor blast, one person believes something you tell them. This can be any lie, as long as you say it without being interrupted. It can even function as a sort of ‘jedi-trick’. Just tell them you’re the janitor and you can easily get into any kind of place. Getting out might be a problem though.

Significant blast ‘and I can prove it too’: Make someone help you in any (mundane) task. Such as cleaning up bodies or washing your car. It might be wise to have them finish before the charge runs out.

Major blast ‘See? I told you!’: Make your conspiracy come true. Flying saucers eating sheep, bugs in the White House. That sort of thing. (Keep in mind that when you believe in it, it will go away… now think about it.)

What you heard: You hear a lot of things. That’s good. Keep listening.

One thought on “Conspiromancy

  1. Insect King says:

    I wanna get a Mayor Charge!

    For actually playing this, some things need to be looked at.

    Problems: charging is a little erratic. You’ll get charges after generating the ritual. It might be a little cumbersome. What about random taboo violations: you make up a theory and it comes out as fact; do you still violate taboo?

    What you described as Blast spells, aren’t. They’re semi-formula spells. Blast spells must hurt in some way.

    Where are the rest of your formula spells, or are the blasts it?

    Mayor Charges are great though.



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