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7 thoughts on “There’s a Charge waiting here…

  1. Hatchet says:

    WOW! I’m hungarian, and haven’t even heard about this!

    Thanks for the info, LOW Guppy! Szeged is only about 100 miles from where I live, if I hit the road now I’ll be there in an hour or so…damn,why didn’t I check this out yesterday? I hope I’m not too late yet…

  2. LOW Guppy says:

    Stranger still…

    Tue May 9, 8:08 AM ET

    BUDAPEST (Reuters) – The Budapest story headlined “Hungary workers get shock at bottom of rum barrel” issued on May 4 is withdrawn. Police said the incident, reported on a police magazine Web site, happened 10 years ago. Reuters has been unable to make any further checks to substantiate the story.

  3. rekyl says:

    Oh well, lets not forget the cases of actuall absinth found in Copenhagen a few years back! THe difference between that and the stuff called absinth bought in stores today is that one contains opiates and the other (the modern version doesn’t).

    In Denmark like most European countries its illegal to produce and/or import Absinth but its not illegal to sell so when they broke open a back wall in a disused basement (I think it was – this was a year or more back like I said) and found a case of old absinth bottles from the 1800eds they could still sell it.

  4. LOW Guppy says:

    Still sounds like Sleeper work to me. Or a diversion.

  5. Hatchet says:

    You guys are sooo off track. I’m just back from Szeged, you know, trying to sniff around to see if I can find something… Well I did. And trust me, you do NOT want to know what.

    Care for an advice? DON’T drink anything that comes from Europe. Just don’t. Christ,my hand is shaking again, I better take my medication…

  6. deathmonkey says:

    the story about a body in a keg has been an urban legend for years. it’s even in the big book of urban legends.

  7. LOW Guppy says:

    In UA, there is no difference between a Legend and an Urban Legend, aside from geography. The fact that it keeps popping up, even on a major news site, gives it meaning.


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