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Coloured glasses

Sometime in December of 1899…

It is reputed that Louis Tiffany created a unique set of cups to use in a grand new century’s party, some were appearantly handed out as gifts. The cups themselves weren’t made of the glass, but a variety of other materials fused into transparent substances. While most have been destroyed by clumsy fingers and small children, the few that remain are rare collectors items for more than just their historical value.

The majority made are light pink, thick, pentagonal glass cups. Drinking from them will cause mild hallucinations that shift the context of all communications you have into cheerful and positive messages about how wonderful you, the world, or life in general is. These are especially useful for cheering up depression and driving pessimists crazy.

Twenty small transparent shot-glasses with wood-grain color patterns were supposedly made. Looking through one to anything other than flat surface will cause you to commit as many self-sabotaging acts of ignorance as possible in accordance with Murphy’s Law. Several museums that have come into possession of these have been accidentally burnt to the ground.

More than a few notable wine glasses were also created, in the shape of various flowering plants, complete with roots. They’re all extremely tacky and several leak. Some suspect they have an unnatural ability to inspire greed, for once-mild persons gaining one have been known to commit daring acts of theft to get their hands on another… and another…

To top it off, five unique vessels made for the party’s guests of honor are rumored to exist, though their myriad descriptions are akin to the Holy Grail.
One, a semi-transparent black liquer bottle in the shape of a wheel, was stolen recently from a private collection in New Orleans. While another can be found by holding an ultraviolet light to any picture of the whitehouse lawn.

(Just found this site and had to add something. ^_^)

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