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The Intuition Pager

This peculiar old pager has a way of making sure you are pointed in the right direction.

Hey there. Long time reader, first submission. I give to you the Intuition Pager, basically a fun hook-dispenser I came up with for a one-shot game I will run soon. I hope you enjoy it!

Once upon a time…

Back in the nineties, a man called Dr. Nigel Haggerty was Godwalker of the Healer. Somewhat uninvolved in the Occult Underground, Dr. Haggerty had managed to stay reasonnably sane and was still working in hospitals as surgeon-extraordinaire on a contractual basis. During those days, the position of Godwalker of the Healer was harshly sought after, and a lot of people were waiting for Nigel to make a bad move and lose some of his connection so they could usurp him. Lucky for him, though, his Archetype was on his side. Indeed, Nigel’s lack of ambition made him a very safe choice for Godwalker, as it was doubtful that he would try to ascend and usurp the current archetype.

It is for that reason that, when his pager recieved three different calls at the same exact time and his old pager failed to note either one of them because of the overlap, the archetype of the Healer intervened. Trusting Dr. Haggerty’s ability to take a hint, it decided to jack up the synchronicity. Suddenly, everything on TV was an hospital show, every song on the radio talked of sickness and accidents, and not one, not two, but three life-insurrance brokers came knocking on his door within the span of an hour. Nigel did indeed take a hint, called the hospital, learned he was needed and arrived in time to save the day.

The Intuition Pager’s genesis.

Dr. Haggerty’s pager had a weird day. First, it broke down because it was not able to process something very improbable: three calls at the very same instant. Then, it found itself basically at the center of attention from the Statosphere. Somehow, it became sentient and learned that sometimes people need to be paged not by him, but by the world around them.

How it works.

First off, the Intuition Pager is broken, period, in regards to being a regular pager. It can never be repaired.

Here’s how it works. It intuition-pages anybody who has a strong drive to achieve something that’s clearly defined but has no clue on how to do it or of an opportunity that’s about to go down. For instance, Nigel Haggerty had a strong drive to cure people all the time, but he had no idea that people were needing him so much that day. Intuition-paging is always achieved through synchronicity – the pager can’t communicate it (see below).

The pager is a weird little bugger, though. In order to perform its intuition-page, it needs to “scan” the statosphere for a signal. Somehow, movement makes it dizzy and it loses the signal. It does not like that, as intuition-paging is now considered by it as its divine mission. Lucky for the pager, it has the power of synchronicity on its side. It can make people slow down. Anytime the Intuition-Pager travels at more than 20 miles per hour, something happens to make it slow down. The car breaks, the owner twists an ankle, people keep stopping him to ask for directions, whatever. The pager does not care how he does it. It just wants to slow down so it can stop feeling dizzy and start doing what he was meant for.

That means, basically, that the pager travels very slowly across America as people come across it then throw it away when they figure it’s cursed and get tired of going so slow all the time.

It’s alive! ALIVE!

Oh, by the way? The Intuition-Pager can be considered sentient. Sometimes it feels lonely, sometimes it feels confused. When that happens, it tries to communicate. Usually, he vibrates and flashes a short phrase on its screen (no more than 16 characters long, which represents the span of its screen). These attempts to communicate with the outside world have no useful function whatsoever. It’s just… well… weird. Because, let’s face it, when your pager tries to have a conversation, well, it’s a little freaky.

A few sample phrases

*Who am I?
*Who are you?
*Where are we?
*I’m lonely.
*Talk to me.
*I’m dizzy.
*Slow down.
*Told you so.
*Be my friend.
*Hug me.
*Behind you!
*Made you look!
*Tell me a joke.

That’s it. I hoped you like it. Signing off,

3 thoughts on “The Intuition Pager

  1. Stephen Alzis says:

    Ok, now I’m jealous. I should be coming up with this!

    *Hug me. Brr, creepy.

  2. Unknown_VariableX says:

    Hug it HOW?

  3. Jocelyn Robitaille says:

    Take your pager (or something about the same size) and hug it – that’s how.

    Yes, it’s rather silly and awkward. The Pager doesn’t care.


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