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The Vigilante

A towering, vicious duke with formidable magical and physical power.

My TV set hums as I wait for John Walsh to tell me whom to kill. My room is barren, nothing but a TV set, a hot plate and my chain. I must keep my chain clean. Every drop of blood left on it brings the Bad Guys into my inner sanctum. I can’t have that.
The episode finishes, and I wrap my face. I can’t let the Bad Guys see my face, or they might take it. Only the eyes may show, and only when I say. Moments later I am on my bike. I know who the Bad Guys are and where to find them.
After a day of looking, I find the Bad Guy. It should take longer. It would take longer, if people cared. They don’t care; they don’t want to see the Bad Guys caught, so even the easy ones get away. No one cares, except for me. The owner at a hotel he was staying at tells me which room he was in. John Walsh is hiding in his TV, though only I can see him. John Walsh tells me where he went, whispering so that they will not know he’s in the TV when his show isn’t on, and I go to find him.
I find the Bad Guy. He shoots me, I think; I’m not sure until later. I approach him, and I see him shaking in fear. I look him in the eye, and I show him my soul, and he throws his gun at me and tries to run away. I wrap the chain around his neck, and he is quickly dead.
But it is not enough. I see that his soul remains, a twisting mass of crimes and sin. It still lives on, still taints the earth, tethered to his unhallowed remains. For hours on end I beat the remains, screaming, until his soul dissipates. Exhausted, I clean my body and my chain and my clothes in a river, and I head home.
My TV set hums as I wait for John Walsh to tell me whom to kill.

The Vigilante
Personality: Taurus
Obsession: Doing the work of John Walsh.
Rage: The Vigilante is completely obsessed. If you’ve committed any sort of crime that he knows of you’re in for a painful pummeling at best.
Fear: Uncertainty. He knows what he must do. He knows his place, and he knows that America’s Most Wanted will never lead him astray.
Noble: The Innocent. If You’ve never committed an atrocity to The Vigilante’s knowledge, he will give his last breath to save you.

Body: (Enormous) 80
Pursuit (general athletics) (25%) Distribute Justice (struggle) (60%) Large And Hard To Move (25%)

Speed: (Ponderous) 50
Firearms (35%), Dodge (15%) Initiative (15%) Drive (30%)

Mind (Predatory Cunning) 40
Highschool Dropout (15%), Track (35%), Notice (20%) Conceal (15%)

b>Soul (Intense) 70

See Their Souls (aura sight) (30%) Videomancy (America’s Most Wanted) (45%) Avatar: The Executioner(53%) Charm (15%) Lie (15%) Commanding Presence (30%)

Possessions: Chain (+3 damage), Motorcycle, 10-gauge magnum shotgun, one change of clothes, bandages, first-aid kit, TV set, hot plate

8 thoughts on “The Vigilante

  1. Stephen Alzis says:

    Holy shit. This is the kind of thing that makes you realise just how scary vidiots can be.

    Very good work Dave.

  2. Cal_Lous says:

    a simple character but still pretty cool.

    And with possibly the best chance of getting a Major charge of any Vidiot out there- police figure out who’s murdering all these crooks, they put out his details and Bam! major charge. Of course while he’d get the major charge, he might not get to use it, since he would probably be commiting suicide as soon as the show ended. after all, John Walsh just told him to…

  3. MessiahDave says:

    Actually, I took the character from a short story I wrote, and that’s exactly how it ended. Glad y’all liked it.

  4. MessiahDave says:

    And yes, he is a very simple character. He mostly came about when I was thinking of possible authorities for the Executioner to answer to, while also thinking of odd avatar-adept combos.

  5. Unknown_VariableX says:


    It’s so beautiful….

    *thumbs up to MessiahDave*

  6. ervae says:

    I just saw this. awesome. love it. new take on old school, interesting character, excecutioner: everything on the killing-you shopping list

  7. Michael Keenan says:

    I love it, man.

  8. Cobra's_fang says:

    It’s nice, I’ll have to use this, as my PC have set up an occult bounty hunting service…


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