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The Jackass Shirt

For all those Foolish dukes out there, this one comes right off of Knoxville’s back. Literally.

The inspiration came to me while I was writing up a Fool GMC and Jackass: The Movie was on.

Effect: The shirt gives the ability to ignore pain and some limited protection against injury. The wearer increases or gains the ability Ignore Pain by 30% (can ignore some debilitating effects of lost wound points, broken limbs and gaping chest holes supercede this skill).
In addition, attacks that have intent other than harming you (such as making a joke) gain no bonuses. Weapons don’t deal their extra damage (although piercing weapons still deal at least 1 point) and gunshots are rounded down to the nearest tens place (similar to Kevlar body armor). Note that this only protects against attacks where the primary intent was not to harm you. A prize fighter out to clean your clock or a mobster with a grudge are going to be able to hurt you as badly as if you weren’t wearing it (though you still will be able to ignore the pain). However, you would receive some protection from a tidal wave or a stunt you tried for your next action movie.
There are some drawbacks to wearing the Jackass shirt. Specifically, everyone perceives you as a lowbrow idiot willing to hurt or humiliate yourself in order to draw attention. Any attempts to convince people otherwise or influence their opinion suffer a -30% shift as long as the shirt is worn and for 87 minutes afterward. This may be worth some low-grade Helplessness, Isolation, or Self checks.

Description: The Jackass Shirt is one of the few artifacts that fit its name with no lengthy explanation. It’s a ratty shirt that was reputedly worn by Johnny Knoxville during the making of Jackass: The Movie. On the back at about the shoulder blades, the words “I am a Jackass” are written with permanent marker.

What You Hear
No one is quite sure if this is a natural artifact, an obsessed adept creation, or a plain fluke of nature, but Fool avatars and others who find themselves in harms way (but don’t care about what people think of them) go wild at the thought of acquiring it. This often leads to an escalating level of risk attempts to snatch the shirt.

3 thoughts on “The Jackass Shirt

  1. Fathomir says:

    Questions, comments, typos you’ ve spotted?

  2. Wiretrippa says:

    A nice, simple idea, even a good ‘in’ for a street level campaign.
    ‘Dude, why is that crazy guy always wearing that shirt?’
    ‘More importantly, why did he get up and just giggle after those bikers pounded on him for 20 minutes?’

  3. matth3w says:

    The Knoxville shirt is a good way to introduce the players into the UA game. Thanks dude


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