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The Arrogant One

“god has a Me complex.”

The Arrogant Man has such a high opinion of himself that his conceited nature warps the physical universe. His delusions actually approach reality through the sheer force of his stubborn self-infatuation. His entire existence is a form of self-genuflection.

The areas surrounding The Arrogant One are personal shrines. The degrees, awards, pictures and accolades surround him in a cocoon of self-aggrandizement. He speaks of himself in the 3rd person; in hushed, reverent tones. It’s an honor for him to be in the same room as himself. Such greatness can really be a burden.

Symbols: Mirrors. Huge, framed copies of degrees and awards. Trophies, stuffed game animals, fish. Lot’s of self-portraits. Someone’s name on a billboard or in huge neon letters.

Masks: Narcissus, Max Headroom.

Avatars: The Donald is months from ascending, Terrell Owens; (several other sports figures as well), Louis XIV, and a chain of world leaders dating back to Ramses II.

Taboos: An Arrogant One who says two simple words “I’m sorry.” Will have to make a self check or suffer a coronary on the spot. “My bad” can have blast-like effects on Arrogant Ones as well. Finding less direct ways of admitting personal fallibility won’t kill an Arrogant One, but they will weaken the connection with the archetype.

Occasionally, one of these individuals behaves pleasantly towards others for an entire weekend. They get a mysterious email that reads “You’re Fired.” They’re mojo is lost; never to return.

Channels: 01-50% I’m OK, You Suck – If anyone unfortunate enough to know the Arrogant One, and have a lower soul score than he has points in The Arrogant One Avatar, they become Pilot Fish to her Great White Ego Shark. These people become de facto groupies who surround The Arrogant One and take care of the details like George Clooney’s entourage. If it sounds like enough to make a normal people upchuck, that’s because it is.

51-70% – “You’re Fired” – The Arrogant one can make any individual leave the immediate vicinity and travel at least ten miles away by pointing his finger at them like it’s a mock pistol, saying “You’re Fired!” and making a successful avatar check. If leaving would violate a taboo or counter a stimulus, the individual gets to attempt a self check.

71-90% La’ Etat Se Moi – The Arrogant One can say something so totally and disgustingly self-centered, that opponents have to make Helplessness checks or they actually believe it. Results may very, but The Arrogant One simply wills himself to a new level of pompous condescension and forces others to agree.

91-99% Golden Name – The Arrogant One automatically banks something of value to him simply because of who he is. The particulars can vary. It can be money, sex, votes in a political election, or shameless public adulation, but this occurs every time an Arrogant One with this high an avatar makes a successful roll on 1 January of a given calendar year.

The Arrogant One chooses his ego narcotic of choice prior to rolling and if successful, he pathetically wallows in it. He can even have a bad haircut that looks like he has a rodent plastered to the top of his head. He’s “The Donald”; you’re not….

4 thoughts on “The Arrogant One

  1. privateI says:

    Oops! What You’ve Heard: Alex Able tried to have Donald Trump thrown off the top of The Trump Casino by an assassin. He was worried about the ramifications of another perturbation in The Clergy.

  2. BillionSix says:

    Hang on. What if I go through an arrogant period, and become an unconscious avatar, only gaining 1% or 2% in it before realizing, “Hey, I’m being a dick. I’ll have no friends if I keep on like this.” So, I go and apologize to a friend I had wronged, and have a heart attack and die!
    This is dangerous!

  3. Abandon says:

    Nicely done, with rather critical taboo, though. Also, the French Canadian in me yells out that it’s ”L’Etat, c’est moi!”

  4. Michael Keenan says:

    Um, can anyone translate that French for me?


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