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Flipping A Goocher

Accidents happen. This one is 1/(2^n) likely if you flip for it.

Cost: 1 significant charge and n-quarters.

Ritual Action: A Plutomancer and an Entropomancer must make an alliance to screw a group of their enemies. They must each expend a significant charge and “juice up” a set of quarters (if the ritual is performed in The United States). They then have to arrange so that the group of enemies flips coins for something and ensure that each member of the group takes part in the coin flip and has a magical coin.

The two must drink a shot of Single Malt Scotch that is at least 25 years old and the coins must all date back at least 25 years and have a distinguishing mark and be in near mint condition. So far, all successful attempts at this ritual in The United States have involved 1976 Bicentennial Quarters.

The Entropomancer and The Plutomancer must have a long conversation during which they drink the entire bottle of scotch and describe to one another why they want this group of people dead. They then shake hands to consummate the ritual and both say. “Their fates are sealed in the belly of Mammon.”

Effects: When the group flips to determine who wins or loses, they will all simultaneously flip tails. They will each have to make a level one unnatural check or they will feel a deep-seated, yet inexplicable fear. The next time at least 50% of the group gets in a ship, car or a plane together, they wreck. The wreck inflicts two significant blasts worth of damage on all members of the group in the vehicle, vessel or airframe.

One thought on “Flipping A Goocher

  1. Chad_Eagleton says:

    Dig it…and in another weird UA moment–I watched Stand By Me just last night.


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