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Weirdness in Portland, ME

Three items encountered on a recent trip to Maine,

I recently returned from a trip to Portland, Maine. While there, I encountered a disproportionately large degree of weirdness, leading me to suspect that the city is due for a thorough inspection by the Sleepers. All three of these items are real.

I observed several youths, dressed in mismatched vaguely formal wear (stove-top hats, suits), protesting the demotion of Pluto and demanding its reinstatement. Perhaps astrologers upset at having to redo their star charts?

In a city square, I found a pile of several dozen small rocks, each two to three inches wide. On each rock had been written the word “peace.”

And, finally, I saw a young man, bearded, wearing a red cape and a silvery mask vaguely resembling a bird’s head, running through the arts festival being held that weekend. He was accompanied by the sound of music-I cannot identify the tune, but it was one of those songs with lots of bird calls and other wildish noises. He seemed to be conducting a sort of bizarre dance involving a lot of flourishes with his cape.

I managed to get photos of the last two items. If the pictures come out, I can provide them if anyone is interested.

11 thoughts on “Weirdness in Portland, ME

  1. Bicornis says:

    Oh, seeing the pictures would be very nice.

  2. MCLowell says:

    Well, I am picking the pics up tomorrow, so we will see if they came out.

    I keep wondering what archetype cape-dude was channelling…

  3. Bicornis says:

    Maybe he was a Personamancer?

  4. Stephen Alzis says:

    That would be my first guess.

  5. matth3w says:

    Hey, could you send me the pics? I’d be very interested. I guess it’s a baaaad thing for the astrologers to lose a planet, it can trample down the way the take money away from people. The guys in black were maybe channeling the Crook ( hahaha )

  6. MCLowell says:

    Once I get them scanned, I am going to put them on photobucket or something similar and put a link here.

  7. zalliragy says:

    That man, the one dressed in silver and red, I believe is called the “Cat Dancer”. If I’m reading the description correctly.

    He’s a sort of cult legend there among convention-ers.

    If you ask him, he’ll give you a hug.

    (No joke, I met him at a convention in Portland just last year)

  8. MCLowell says:

    Cool. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever met a legend. 😉

  9. Bicornis says:

    So when will we see those pictures?

  10. Anonymous12345 says:

    Yeah, he’s “Cat Dancer”. He’s a child sexual offender. He’s a complete pervert, who even does bondage. It’s disgusting. He goes to all these Anime conventions.
    He needs to be arrested. Now.


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