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Save the world, sort of…

Some conservationists, outdoorsmen, and activists feel a frustration and self-loathing so powerful that it drives them into the Occult Underground. Some of them work hard to care for forests or breed endangered animals in captivity, only to be met with failure and death all around them. Others simply feel the weight of guilt and helplessness that dwelling on such issues often brings. These people turn to the creed of the Ecomancer: they believe that humans have a Killing Aura that must be kept away from nature, and that it is their job to bear the filth and sin of the world within themselves.

Symbolic Tension: Ecomancers love and hate themselves, and they adore and despise humanity. They profess that humans and other life are simultaneously the same and irredeemably different. The belief that they live in harmony with nature coexists with the belief that all humans are abominable creatures that cannot help but kill nature. They bring themselves closer to the Earth by distancing themselves from it, fearing to touch any living thing because of their belief in the Killing Aura.

Blast Style: Ecomancers’ blast brings the Killing Aura from their minds into the real world. The air around them darkens and ripples as though it were choked by smog, and living things that fall within this aura quickly wither away. This blast can’t be used against a target that’s more than 10 feet away. Also note that, although the blast looks like an aura around the caster, the caster has to burn a charge for each individual target affected.

Taboo: If you knowingly touch another visible living thing, or if another living thing touches you while you’re aware of it, you must either hit it with a Blast or lose all your charges. This includes humans. If the living thing is a wild animal, you have no choice in the matter: You hit it with the biggest Blast possible, then lose all your charges. Clothing protects you from breaking taboo, and you’re allowed to touch and even eat dead organisms, but for most Ecomancers it’s all too close for comfort.
You also break taboo if you knowingly kill a non-human animal by any means. This usually doesn’t include alien or supernatural monsters, but (for whatever reason) it does include Unspeakable Servants.

Generate a Minor Charge: Attend an environmentalist rally, or spend three straight hours meditating on your own guilt, or kill a single human in such a way that their remains won’t touch soil or natural ground (If you kill a person in such a way while generating a larger charge, you only get the larger charge. No double-dips.)

Generate a Significant Charge: Personally save one wild animal (without touching it, of course) from human-induced danger, leave no tags or marks on it, and have it survive for at least a week (You get the charge a week after it’s released, if it’s still alive.) Alternatively, prevent a single event from happening that involves at least 100 people and that you consider environmentally unfriendly.

Generate a Major Charge
Put a permanent end to one type of environmentally unfriendly human activity. Alternatively, remove the entire human population from an area at least the size of Yellowstone National Park, or exterminate every human in a large city.

Minor Formula Spells:

Pillar of Man
1 minor charge
This spell allows you to live off of garbage for 24 hours. You can eat any man-made waste, including litter, cigarette butts, scrap metal, human feces, and industrial runoff, and be nourished by it. This spell makes you immune to man-made poisons for the duration, but natural poisons still harm you. If someone’s using a thing, such as a barricade made of scrap metal, then it’s not waste.
If a week passes in which you eat garbage with Pillar of Man every day, your body shows it a little. Depending on what you’ve been eating, your skin might become discolored in patches, or little pieces of litter might appear under your skin. You get -10% to Soul-based interaction skills against people with normal ideas of health and personal hygeine.

Withering Aura
1 minor charge
This is the Ecomancy minor blast. Remember that it has a maximum range of 10 feet and that you have to burn a separate charge for each target affected.

Leave Nothing but Footprints
3 minor charges
This spell lets you move without leaving a trace behind you, at least on the short term. For 3 hours, you don’t leave footprints, disturb things you walk on, show up on security cameras, set off alarms, etc. Only the direct observation of a sentient creature can detect you, and even then you get +20% to Sneak or a similar skill. After the 3 hours are up, your footprints burn their way into the ground you crossed, leaving a trail of grime and filth and killing grass and plants beneath them. All alarms and traps you passed through go off at this time, though cameras will still see nothing but your disgusting footprints.

Bear Guilt
3 minor charges
This spell lets you absorb one of another person’s guilty memories into yourself. You must touch the person, which includes a Struggle check if the target is unwilling. If the target does not feel bad about the event, you can try to talk him into regret before casting the spell using Charm or a similar skill, but only at -30%, and the target must be willing to listen to you. Once you touch the target and burn the charge, the target forgets all memories related to one specific shameful event, and you gain them.
You can also use Bear Guilt to provide therapy for a willing target. A spell used in this way transfers up to two failed marks in one gauge from the target to yourself.

Significant Formula Spells

Killing Aura
1 significant charge
This is the Ecomancy signnificant blast. It’s just like Withering Aura, but much more serious. It also leaves much more disgusting, discolored wounds and corpses.

Look on Thy Works
2 significant charges
This spell is a curse that causes one human target to fall into a funk, dwelling on his or her memories of guilt or helplesness. The target will receive occasional strong flashbacks of their most shameful or difficult experiences. For a number of days equal to the target’s number of hard marks in Self or Helplessness (whichever is larger,) the target gets -20% to Mind and Soul skills, to a minimum of 10%, and won’t feel motivated to do something not immediately necessary unless they roll a successful Soul check.

Sin Disposal
2 significant charges
This spell is a sacred rite among Ecomancers, and it’s why Ecomancers try to stay friendly with at least one fellow Ecomancer who can administer it after they die. This spell completely annihilates one human corpse. If the corpse is still wearing or carrying anything (except Major Artifacts) that it possessed at time of death, these are destroyed too. Most Ecomancers consider this spell to be one of the few ways that the Earth can be truly freed from humanity’s pollution.

Ecomancy Major Effects
Automatically destroy someone with a touch. Absorb all trace of human activity in a wide area of land. Erase a large industrial structure or all the buildings in a small town. Give everyone in a city a vision that forces a rank-9 Helplessness check.

Random Magick Domain
Ecomancy can never actually create life or foster oneness with nature in the traditional sense. It can remove the stain of something foul or unnatural, but only if the Ecomancer takes it into himself. Ecomancy is good at playing off feelings of guilt, helplessness, and self-loathing.

5 thoughts on “Ecomancy

  1. Fathomir says:

    This could mesh pretty well with the Confessor archetype.

  2. vagina = fun! says:

    I like this, but it seems to focus more on guilt than on ecology or nature. the school could just as easily charge off of guilt and shame instead of nature. I do like the tension though

  3. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    Major charge seems a bit too hard, particularly given that it has a fairly strong well to draw power from and a really harsh taboo.

  4. Mattias says:

    I like the major charging just fine, it’s supposed to be hard, and the major effects are pretty darned spectacular. And emptying and area the size of a national park is in the realm of the possible.

    I don’t get what the effects of blasts look like, just how it looks casting, and that the significant blast makes more disgusting, discoloured wounds and corpses. What does it look like? Acid burns? Boils and tumours?

  5. secretbison says:

    I guess the blasts make victims shrivel up like dead flowers and turn odd shades of green, brown, tar-black, or bleached-yellow. Of course, the cosmetic effects of each Ecomancer’s blast can vary…


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