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Vivomancy – The magic of malpractice and healing. Did you ever wonder why some who check in to a hospital have amazing recovery while others die of neglect?

Vivomancy is the magic of health and life.

– Did you ever wonder why some patients have miraculous recoveries while others die from neglect?

Nick names: Medics, nurses, healers, quacks.
irony: vivomancers must harm others to help others. They charge by hurting others, but their magic is about healing.

generate minor charge:
Spend 1 hour with an injured or sick person who you are making worse instead of better. Alternatly, you may inflict significant damage to another person through malpractice medicine, bad drugs, or simple neglect.

Generate a significant charge:
to generate a significant charge, you must intentionaly endanger a patient’s life by poor medical practice. The patient must have no better than a 50% chance of living from the intentional malpractice. Alternatly you can intentionaly allow serious permanent damage to come to one of your patients (removing an arm, eye, foot, or brain damage).

Generate a major charge:
to generate a major charge you must spread ignorant medical practices which cause at least ten thousand deaths. and are practiced by at least 2000 doctors in multiple countries.

domains: healing, health, curing, resurection.

Minor spells

– treatment: Cost- 1 Minor
The target person heals a number of hit points equal to the sum of the dice. The wound seems to rapidly heal, but may still scar.

– Cure: Cost -2 minors
The target will be cured of a single minor illness or malady over the next 24 hours. A minor illness or malady is one that is not likely to be life threatening and which most people recover from normally.

– Remove pain: Cost 2 minors
The target must be suffering from an ongoing illness or injury which is painful or at least very uncomfortable. The target is not healed from the illness or injury but is able to function as if he had been. The pain and discomfort is reduced but not taken away, as the spell wears off, the discomfort gradually returns. The spell lasts a number of days equal to the tens place in the magic skill check.

– Diagnosis : cost 1 minor
You are able to identify a single mental, physical or magical problem or curse on the target. This spell can be used to identify either 1- the greatest cause of a particular symptom 2- the most serious malady the person has or 3- to see if the person has a specific malady. If cast a second time you can gain additional information about the malady or curse (such as posible cures, effects, what caused it and maybe who caused it) the information given will depend on the skill check and the dm

– Practical medicine Cost 2 minors
The targeted person (or yourself) gain a boost to a medical or healing related non-magical skill. The bonus is equal to the sum of the dice and lasts for a 1 hour.

– Drugs : 3 minors
You transmute a sugar pill or cup of colored liquid (such as soda/wine/urin) into a single dose of a commonly available (if expensive) drug. The drug behaves as normal.

Sig spells

– Surgery Cost: 1 Sig
The target recovers a number of hit points equal to the skill check. This generally leaves no scars.

– Restore Cost 2 Sigs
The target recovers damage to a single stat equal to the sum of the dice. this may not bring the stat above it’s original value.

– Remove disease Cost 3 / 5 Sigs
(3 sigs)The target is instantly cured of all illnesses which have known cures or effective treatments (including mental and magical) and all symptoms end instantly. Any damage to hit points or stats still remain but begin healing immediately. This includes unknown illnesses and ones which may have been potentially serious or deadly but which were curable. (5sigs) The target is cured of a single illness which has no known cure such as cancer, aids, malaria, and most STDs.

– regenerate Cost 5 Sigs
The target grows back a single limb, eye, or heals a permanent physical scar. This spell can be used to regrow a single lost organ, birth defect, or old injury (such as a limp from a war wound) No hit points or stat points are regained as a result of this spell. (If the limb was lost trying to gain magical power, this spell cannot regrow the limb).

– remove curse: Cost 1/2 the cost of the curse to be removed (min 1 sig)
You are able to remove one magical ailment from a person. This may be removing a curse, astral parasite, or releasing them from mind control or a proxy ritual. (this spell can only remove minor and significant curse and does not prevent the ailment from returning if steps are not taken to prevent it.

– Bless Cost 1 sig
– The target temporarily gains additional hit points equal to the skill check. If the person is injured these hit points are used up first. If the target has injuries prior to this spell being cast they are not healed in any way. Any hit points remaining after the spell expires are lost. The spell lasts a number of minutes equal tot he sum of the dice.

Major spells. You can bring someone back to life or discover a cure for or remove from the world any single illness .

6 thoughts on “Vivomancy

  1. vagina = fun! says:

    Sorry this one does not have as much flavor text as I would like. I made this and some others up a while back and just wanted to dump them before they got lost.

  2. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    I could see how someone would spontaneously form this school: They’re overworked at a hospital, they start to see that when they spend less time with one person and more time on another, things get better for the more-time and worse for the less-time. Instead of seeing it as doing good causes bad, they see the reverse. Instead of seeing it as a distribution of resources, they see it as moving things around in an equation (health). Probably more prevalent with nurses (particularly in low-income/not-much-training parts of the world).

  3. Gretchen Messer says:

    It works and above all, it’s real-based. Very nice. Hee…”Quacks.”

  4. Anon says:

    There’s a problem with the major charging/effects. A vivomancer could get everybody to treat AIDS with frontal lobotomies, gain a major charge, and then cure AIDS permanently. If he times it right, he could even use his reputation to do it repeatedly, and eventually cure all illness. “Surgically removing one of the vertebrae cures cancer” *Everybody tries it, the medic uses the charge to cure cancer* “Hey, it worked, everybody trust him!” “Shoving a pound of plutonium up the nose cures ricin!” Etc.

  5. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    Maybe? But, for example, AIDS has a million strains. So too with Cancer. It would take years and years and years to just build the reputation for the first major AND since the ignorant practices have to cause deaths, people will probably pretty quickly stop listening to him and not see a connection between his “technique” and the sudden removal of a type of disease.

  6. Anon says:

    I think that “a single disease” means all strains of the disease. When I say tuberculosis, I refer to both the common strain and XDR-TB. Same with AIDS and other diseases. However, I admit that cancer might take a while, as each type is very different.

    Tell that to António Egas Moniz, who got a Nobel prize for the development of the frontal lobotomy. Or the man who, in the early 20th century, convinced many, many people in that getting one’s colon cut out would improve their health. I admit, I’m not sure how many people actually died from these procedures, but there should be some way to gain Major charges from what they did.

    By the way, cancer doesn’t really have strains, because it isn’t generally caused by microbes.


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