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Maladomancy – Gaining power by being sick. (this is still a work in progress)

Maladomancy (illness based magic)

Nicknames: hypocondriacs, patients, lepers, coughers/sneezers.

irony: they get magical power from being physicaly ill. While they can help others, they can never be healthy themselves.

Generating charges. In most cases you will generate the charge as soon as the simptoms of your malady become obvious.

Generate a minor: Contract a minor illness. the common cold, flue, diareah, or any other non-life threatening illness will usually work. if the illness is significant (causes a stat shift) they will receive one charge each day they have it. In such cases they cannot receive an additional charge until they have used the charge previously given from that particular illness.

Generate a sig: contract an incurable illness, or one which is potentialy life threatening. Examples are malaraia (not curable), cholera, yellow fever, small pox, most sexually transmitted diseases etc.

Generate a major charge: contract an illness which dramaticly shortens your expected remaining life (cut at least in half) and will likely kill you. Common examples are aids, cancers, and lukemia. Once you have such an illness, you may only get future major charges by contracting additional illnesses which dramaticly reduce your life even further.

Charging tips: Getting minor charges is fairly simple. Just don’t dress for the weather, wash your hands and eat poorly. Getting sig charges usually requires some effort. Unprotected sex is always a winner, but you have to be careful not to get yourself killed. Also, taking trips to places like Mexico, South America and Africa is a good way to pick up all kinds of fun things.

taboo: If you receive treatment or take medications which reduce your suffering or cures you of any of your illnesses. Maladomancers, however, may, and often do, see a doctor regularly to keep track of just how sick they are.

Random magic domains: creating, spreading and curing illnesses in others, manifesting the symptoms of illnesses or remedy drugs.

Blast style: Maladamancy does not have a true blast, but instead has several nasty effects to fill in the gap.

Minor spells

– under the weather: Cost 2 minors
the target feels a bit sick. He receives a -10 shift to your mind (drowsy), body (achy), and speed (cramped). he also has a minor headache. The effect lasts about a day.

– the shits: Cost 1 minor
The target gets one of those bugs that turns you into a coffee machine. Starting immediately, the target becomes overcome with diarrhea or vomit attacks which last for at least 1 round. After this, the target will vomit or shit everything he eats or drinks within a few minutes until the effect ends. The effect lasts a number of days equal to the sum of the dice when making the skill check.

– robotusin: Cost 1 minor
For those of you who have ever robo-tripped (drank way to much cough syrup to get high) this one is for you. The target begins to have the effects of tripping on cough syrup. These make him fairly useless in the real world but may be quite an enjoyable experience. As far as mechanics, you will have to consult the rules book for how drugs work.

– the chills: Cost 1 minor
the target gets one symptom of any illness. Examples are chills, head-aces, a cough, fever or tiredness. While this does not incapacitate them it will generally result in a shift equal to the sum of the dice to a single stat or skill. This effect lasts up to a week.

– a new day: Cost 2 minors
The target is cured of one minor illness or malady. Serious or incurable illnesses are not curable this way but will improve slightly.

– vaccination cost 5 minors
The target is permanently immune to an illness that you currently have.

– contamination: Cost 2 minors
You cough, sneeze or touch the target. He is immediately infected by any illness you have (chosen randomly). They may even be infected by illnesses not spread that way such as aids, or cancer. In any case the symptoms manifest at the same rate as if the the target had been infected by normal means. (usually a few days to a few years depending on the illness)

Significant spells

– sick as a dog: Cost 1 sig
The target is totally overcome will sickness for a number of minutes equal to the skill check. After this time the target recovers slowly as if he had just gotten over a horrible illness (usually 2 days to a week before he feels ok). While overcome, the target may take no actions other than to lay on the ground, complain and vomit. During recovery the target will receive -10 to all checks for the first day and -5 until recovered after that.

– nyquil: cost 1 sig
Read the section on universal perceptive solvent. You get that, plus lots of pretty pretty colors… oh yeah and your cough goes away too.

– immunizations: cost 1 or 3 sigs
– (1sig)The target is either immune to all common minor illnesses (the flue, colds, and the like for 1 year or immune to a single minor illness permanently. (3 sigs) the target is immune to a single major illness such as cancer, leukemia, aids and the like for one year.

– perge the system: cost 2 or 5 sigs
The target throws up for all they are worth. They throw up for hours and hours until they wish they were dead. usually this involves blood loss (hit point loss). The target must make a body check or fall unconscious. After the effect ends the target is totally cured of all minor and serious illnesses. (5 sigs) the target is also cured of a single incurable illness.

– the lab: Cost 5 sigs
– You create a new minor illness. You get to decide how it is spread, what it does and any tips for avoiding or curing it (create a new minor illness)

– cough: Cost2 sigs
You have a coughing fit for one round and everyone in a cone 30 ft by 30 ft contracts one of the minor or significant illnesses you have decided randomly (each person may contract a different illness if you have more than one).

Major effects: fabricate a new type of serious illness or find a practicle cure for any illness (aids, the common cold, cancer etc. Alternatly, you could kill someone (they imeadiatly manifest the fatal symptoms of an illness, create an epidemic or cure one.

2 thoughts on “Maladomancy

  1. Mattias says:

    Well… most sexually transmitted diseases are curable. I can only think of aids (wich you say counts as a major) and herpes (wich really hardly should’nt count at all, oral herpes is carried in one form or another by 90% of the adult population and genital herpes is less of a disease and more of an annoyance)

  2. Dungeon Maestro says:

    Holy shit, I JUST was working on coming up with something just like this, down to a few spells almost verbatim. Creepy…


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