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A sick school for those who love poo

Excretomancy (Excretion based Magic)

Humans are unique among animals in that they can come to idealize things that are physically repulsive and disgusting. Excretomancers take this to a new level by obsessing over bodily waste products in all their forms. They believe that while excreting removes physical waste from their bodies, it takes with it magical and spiritual power. As such excretions are a source of discarded power.

What you here:
-There are people who live there whole lives in the sewers and know nothing else.
– Some claim that food brings power into your body and excreting lets it out.
Fecaphiliacs, shitheads, shit eaters

Symbolic Tension:
These sick f*cks are obsessed with bodily excretions, yet they are prohibited from excreting themselves.

Generate a minor charge:
Commune with a pile or stream of excretion for at least an hour. (You can climb in a sewer, bath in sewage, cover yourself in fresh poo or whatever. In any case each hunk of excretion may only be used once and each section of sewer line only once per day) Alternately you could consume raw sewage (untreated even by magic).

Generate a Significant charge:
Spend an entire day bathing in raw sewage, eat and drink nothing but excretions for at least one week (must eat all three meals and drink adequately).

Generate a major charge:
Change the way the world sees excretions in a positive way. For instance, making it more acceptable to poop or piss in public worldwide, finding an acceptable use for excrements in the everyday world and making it popular. Alternately, you can consume a historically significant excrement.

Charging tips:
The excretomancer is not magically protected from the inherent health risks associated with exposure and consumption of excrements. However, his constant interaction with it means that he has built up a bit of a resistance to many of the common ailments associated with it. So while he is going to smell and will occasionally be sick, he would not be nearly as effected as one might expect
Only excrement’s that are totally untreated and pose a normal health risk will generate charges. If the excretomancer attempts to shield himself from the health risks associated with his obsession he is unable to charge. He can however be healed or cured after contamination by either magical or medial means.

taboo: If an excretomancer allows significant bodily waste to be lost, he looses all charges. If he defecates, urinates or vomits he must immediately consume >90% of it or loose all charges.

Random magic domains: Excrements, foul smells, bodily functions and noises, sewers and lavatories, spreading illnesses.

Minor spells

Excrete: Cost 2 Minors
the target immediately excretes as you see fit (he may piss himself, shit himself, vomit or sweat way way too much)

Fart : Cost 1 Minor
You control all the smells in a room or small area for a number of rounds equal to your skill check.

Shit blast: Cost 3 Minors
This is the minor blast. A stream of high velocity sewage flys from your hands and impacts the target at high velocity. This usually causes an unnatural check, and if the target is concerned about his appearance or smell this may cause helplessness checks too.

Contaminate: Cost 1 Minor
A small quantity of food or water is tainted by sewage.

Just wash your hands: Cost 2 minors
the target’s hands are suddenly covered with everything which was washed off of them in the past month.

Control Sewage: Cost 5 minors
The sewage in an area obeys your mental commands. it may flow, form a geyser, or massive wave or fail to do any of these. The effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the sum of the dice in your skill check.

Stench: Cost 2 minors
The target has a foul odor that follows him around no matter how hard he tries to get rid of it. The effect lasts one day.

Significant spells

Turbo shit: Cost 2 Sigs
You maintain mental control of the target’s excretion for the next 24 hours. You may make him excrete or fail to at will during that time. Once cast on the target you need not keep track of his location to affect him.

Sewage plant: Cost 1 sig
You transform up to a few hundred pounds of sewage and excrement into purified water, food wine, or the like.

Mr Hanky’s wrath: Cost 4 sigs
You may take subtle control of all the sewage in an entire city. This may result in massive backups, pipes breaking, or other minor inconveniences in the whole area.

Mr. hanky: Cost 5 Sigs
You animate a small hunk of crap into a sentient being.

Major effect;

You can create a massive geyser, huge wave, or permanent structure made entirely of sewage. This can destroy the better part of a city.

8 thoughts on “Excretomancy

  1. Smajie says:

    Would they not die nearly immediately if they consumed more than ninety percent or their own excretions? (Not to mention extra consumption for charges.) It’s supposed to be pretty darned unhealthy to eat excretions.

  2. vagina = fun! says:

    Yeah it is a bit harsh. Any idea for a better taboo?

  3. Insect King says:

    Perhaps modified charging: meditate for three hours surrounded by excrement for a minor charge.

    Collecting waste in special receptacles of reliqueries which charge-up with a significant charge after a week of fermenting. Coprophiliacs can get the charge by meditating with the bottled excrement as with minor charges.

    As for the taboo, it no works but other variations can be implemented. Laying waste to the profane communion will work as will cleaning the noxious aura that clings to the shit wizard – scrubs off charges too.


  4. Moko says:

    Well, it’s no more a harsh Taboo then Dipsomancy. I’d get rid of the comsumption part, though.

    Basically, You’d have 3 or 4 days of charging, before you’d be forced to Taboo out.

    Although I’m sure there’d probably be ways to keep from excreting overly much. IV feeding, maybe a modified dialysis (sp?) machine.

  5. Caesar Salad says:

    I couldn’t even read through this school.

    So…good job!

  6. stange_person says:


  7. Travis-Jason says:

    Another goodl alternate name would just be Excremancy, “excrement” meaning what it does.


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