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When you think they’re not looking.

Just something I have received printed on a restaurant check

I have dined with some role-player friends at some standard Sleeper restaurant, Broadway Bagel or such. We have requested a check. Under the neat, boring check the following was printed:

“Thought creates existing reality”

No explanation was available… A “fnord” was probably in order, but it was nowhere to be found. In the original Hebrew the sentence sounds like this “ “Mah’chava boret meziut kayemet” “. It’s equally weird….

8 thoughts on “When you think they’re not looking.

  1. MCLowell says:

    It was actually part of the print-out, not just a comment some waiter had scribbled on?

    Maybe it’s something like that brand of soap-forget what it was called or I’d give a wiki link. The brand’s owner wanted to save the world by disseminating a message of universal peace and love via small notes hidden inside the soap boxes. Darnedest thing. He’s dead now, but apparently his children continue the practice, though I’m not sure if they keep it as an advertising gimmick or because they actually believe in it. If I find the link I’ll post it here, but don’t hold your breath.

  2. Flipside says:

    Yes, it was part of the print-out. The waitress was as flabbergqsted as I was, so it’s probably the owner or, more likely, the company that programmed the check’s printer.

  3. Bicornis says:

    The Sleepers have restaurants now? I think you’re thinking of what that word means in Mage rather than in UA.

  4. mooshified says:

    I couldn’t corroborate this, but I believe it is a quote by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menahem Mendel Schniersen (I’m unsure about the English spelling), spiritual leader and supposed messiah of a Jewish religious group called Chabad. The group believes that attitude matters very much, and is known for saying “it is a great mitzvah to always be happy”.

    The Lebavitcher Rebbe blessed me when I was a baby, giving me a dollar bill inscribed with blessings, so I have a personal connection.

    He lived in New York.

  5. Flipside says:

    I am familiar with the Habad movement and their late Rabbi, but not with that saying. It would be interesting to investigate on this further. It’s an eerie saying, regardless. A hopeful one, too.

  6. Flipside says:

    Reply to Bicornis: I was referring to the mundanes, not Sleepers the organization.

  7. Bicornis says:

    Yes, I inferred the intended meaning… I don’t believe that term is generally used outside White Wolf’s Mage, however. UA doesn’t have the kind of sharp divide between “magical people” and “mundanes” anyway.


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