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The Scryer

He has been everywhere, seen everything, and has every T-Shirt.

The Scryer has only begun to rear his head recently in the
underground, but already he is creating quite a stir. A mysterious figure, he is always somewhere nearby when a major disaster occurs, and then dissapears as soon as he appeared. His presence was firstnoticed by Daphnee Lee whilst she was watching the evening newscast. It was a story on the Russian school hostages. She was browsing idly when she noticed a man clad in a black suit with a black brifcase standing in the background. She realised that she had seen this man before, at the ascension of the Naked Goddess. She set some of her to research this figure, and so far they have discovered this much:

Whoever the Scryer (this is the name they have given him) is, he has been present every major disaster of the last millenium, maybe even earlier. There is even a picture of him in the tapestry of the battle of Haystings, Paintings of the Black Death, and photo’s of both the Titanic and Hindenburg disasters.

He is always shown in some sort of black costume (In medievil times, a robe, nowadays a suit) and holding a briefcase or similar storage device.

He never stays in the same place for very long, and also seems to be able to appear in several places at once (he was near every bomb that went off in the 07/07 terrorist attack in London).

He has some link to Rome and Carthage, the two competing demons. However he knows them, he has somehow severely pissed them off, and they both desire whatever’s in the briefcase.

Of course, no secret stays secret in the Underground for long, and other’s have begun to start taking an interest in the Scryer as well, most notably Alex Abel. One popular theory is that he is the Opposite of Compt De Saint Germaine. Germaine may be the agent of order, so Scryer may be the living representative of Entropy. Some speculate that he is not one, but rather an organisation. Another theory is that he is a Godhead, or a Mageekian who has found a way of racking up major charges easily and is using them to cause disasters. The latter theory still doesnt explain his extended lifespan.

I have chosen not to include any stats for the Scryer, as this could be left up to the GM depending on what purpose they use him for.


2 thoughts on “The Scryer

  1. Mattias says:

    Heh, so the asencion of the naked Goddess was a major disaster. I’m sure many would agree, actually:-)

  2. Wiretrippa says:

    A little-known cult known as the Bearers of Sad Witness. They’re trying to get the idea of the man in the background inserted into the global consciouness.
    The undoing of this group is that the man in the background can be interpreted in several different ways, and as such the cosmic mojo of the image is split too many ways to create ideal Ascension circumstances.
    The briefcase?
    Don’t ask.


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