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4 thoughts on “Unknown Armies LARP rules

  1. Moko says:

    These look pretty slick! I hope the LARP was a blast!

    I’ve actually found Percentile based systems can be run pretty easilly in a LARP setting with no real change to the rules by giving the players (and GMs) 21 Cards, 2 sets of Ace-10, and then one wild card, either a face card, or Joker. Basically the player shuffles his cards, and another Player or GM pulls two cards, the first being the Tens and the second being the next number. If the face card is pulled second, it’s a match of the first card. (That way on both puls there is a straight 1/10 chance of pulling a number. I tried it first with just the sets of 1-10, but it was throwing the probability of by just enough where some playtesters were having agitta) If the face card is drawn first, simply shuffle it back in, and try again. Your rules look really tight though, so I might adopt them if I try the LARP thing again.

  2. nyarlathotep says:

    I like really like that card idea. My hardcore LARPing days are over (I only participate in a Call of Cthulhu 20’s LARP that meets a couple times a year) but I hope somebody else can have fun with these rules.

  3. ODLogan says:

    I participated in an Unknown Armies LARP this past summer. The system was much more free-form and honors-system, though: There weren’t, far as I know, distinct levels of charge in many cases (Epideromancers still had to reflect the spell power in the severity of their self-inflicted injuries, but Entropomancers just exchanged one significant risk for either a luck spell or a “Fuck you” blast.)
    Still, though, it was a lot of fun (wrong word, maybe?) to play a terrified summer camper as high-level avatars of the Dark Stalker competed for the recently-vacated Godwalker seat.

  4. lee265 says:

    hey the link is broken and i know the site is old but if anybody has these i’d love to see them


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