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Personamancy and Borat

How can a Personamancer like Baron Cohen escape from Sleepers?

Being a enterntainer and doing films. Off course.

Do you thing he is going to get a Major Charge for the film?

3 thoughts on “Personamancy and Borat

  1. black says:

    Only if a mass of idiots beleive his acting act. Since he’s clearly impersonating a character i cannot say…

  2. Chad_Eagleton says:

    He’s not a Personamancer. That’s what you’d think at first.

    But notice how he pisses people off. Sometimes whole crowds of people. But he never ever looses his temper. Even while being curse. Even while being tackled to the ground.


  3. dangerousdame says:

    If he’s an Irascimancer, he’s got a bunch of major charges by now. Enough to start a revolution.

    Wonder what his feelings about Iran are…


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