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The ritual of Jonas Kreiger

A nasty weapon indeed

Jonas Kreiger was a 28 year old administrative personel in the Third Reich under the service of Hitler’s Aryan S.S. His knee was wounded beyond simple surgury and required multiple painful operations for which he was given Methadone as a sedative. He quickly became addicted. Using his status in the army he was able to recieve methadone from doctors before it became a marketable product, until his death in 1944 from an acute overdose.

His journal was found in 1999 with the last page reading: “I feel only at comfort with this powder, this ambrosia that cures all my ills. I would do anything in the world to continue my use of it. Anything.”

The journal was found by a enterprising thaumaturgist who had a strong ability to summon demons. The sorcerer developed a ritual to summon Jonas as a weapon.

– The Ritual of Jonas Kreiger-

2 significant charges

First, a human must be targeted as the host for this ritual. To target the victim you must write all the information you know of their habits that includes at least three addictions or habits they possess and Jonas’ full name. The words must be written in blood in German on a piece of German produced journal paper (it is said that vintage paper from 1941-44 works best for this). The paper is kept until used later in the ritual.
The next step (or a step that could be done earlier) is to find a former possession of Jonas Kreiger. The sorcerer who created the ritual used his journal as the possession, but there is a S.S. medal of his on display in a traveling collection of WWII relics, and his personal officer’s pistol is in a collection of S.S. firearms owned by a man in Alabama. This acts as a beacon for Jonas to find his way to the site of the ritual.

After this two things have been acquired, the target must consume any amount of methadone. It can be consumed orally, insulflated, or injected into the bloodsteam, as long as it ends up in the targets body. The most common way to do this is to crush up a methadone tablet and slip into a drink of the targets. After the target has taken the methadone, the journal paper must be burned within one hundred feet of the target while chanting the final page from Jonas’s journal. And then a significant ritual check is performed. If successful, the target must make a soul check against possession (Jonas’ soul is a 70).

If possessed, Jonas attempts to injure the target in a significant enough way to merit a methadone prescription from a doctor. Jonas may break the knee or attempt to strain the back, or a multitude of other things. After this has been done, Jonas tries to find a doctor and uses the targets ID to recieve medical treatment (obviously requesting a painkiller and saying that the only one he doesn’t feel nervous about is methadone). Another tactic Jonas has used is to try and find a methadone clinic and claiming he is addicted to heroin. This has worked in the past once for him, so it’s a solution if the doctors refuse to give him methadone for pain.

The injuring of the body sometime kills the person, but usually Jonas ends up overdosing in the body and goes back to waiting for another trip into the realm of living.

This ritual has been used successfully at least seven times by the creator of the ritual and possibly a few times by others who gleaned its secret, but was attempted several more times by people given the ritual from the creator to their own mortal ends.

GM secret: The verbal part of the ritual is actually the true trigger of the ritual, not the consumption of methadone by the target. The word “I” in the spoken part is supposed to be changed to the target’s name or else Jonas will attempt to possess the user of the ritual. The creator of the ritual kept this as a fail safe so that the ritual wouldn’t be used against him, and also as a way to punish weak or unloyal apprentinces to whom he gave the ritual.

(Please, give me feedback! Any at all! I didn’t how much the ritual should cost so I just said two charges, but that’s probably too little of a cost.)

3 thoughts on “The ritual of Jonas Kreiger

  1. MCLowell says:

    I like it. I might make the ritual action a little more intricate and unnecessarily complex, but I like that sort of thing, so take that with a grain of salt.

  2. Stephen Alzis says:

    I like the fact that the ritual includes actions that don’t actually do anything relevant (giving the target methadone in this case). It’s just the kind of symbolic yet useless thing you’d expect to get tacked on to old-school mojo.

  3. Insect King says:

    I’d actually reduce the cost even further making it five minor charges.

    It is supposed to be a demon-summoning booby-trap ritual.



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