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The Golden Apple Corps

Glory, glory to Discordia! Her apple corps is strong!

In 1965, two would-be prophets and overall nice guys published a book called Principia Discordia. This book was the bible of the newly-formed religion of Discordianism, an almost zen-like religion centering on the “worship” of the Greek goddess of chaos, Eris. The Principia, though clearly humorous in tone, also had deeper meanings – Discordianism has often been described as a religion, disguised as a joke, disguised as a religion. It was this book that lead to the formation of the cabal known now as the Golden Apple Corps. When a duke named Lila Kallisti, an avatar of the Flying Woman, read a copy of the Principia, she saw a deeper, occult meaning that its authors never intended. Amongst self-contradictory, utterly irrelevant passages – “King Kong died for your sins,” “Five tons of flax!”, “Reality is the original Rorschach” – she found a new meaning of freedom, a new interpretation of the Flying Woman archetype. She taught herself Entropomancy, blending the Flying Woman’s freedom with Discordia’s chaos, and checked around the Occult Underground for other Discordian-minded dukes. After finding two compatriots – the narqui Bob Marshall and the boozehound Dusty Jake – she formed what would, in time, become known as the Golden Apple Corps.

The GAC doesn’t have much in the way of motives. It’s more of a philosophical group/social ring than an object-oriented cabal. Most of the time, its members just meet in bars or coffee shops, discuss stoner philosophy and fight the Man in the vaguest way possible. However, from time to time, it actually sets out to do something. During a recent ascension attempt by a godwalker of the Flying Woman, Lila brought the GAC to bear against her in a campaign to force her into breaking taboo. Lila eventually tired of the whole dreary affair, and called it off before a month had passed (the godwalker was later offed by a different Flying Woman avatar). Should an occasion arise, the cabal might move out to do something, hindered though it is by poor organization and poorer attention spans.

Not much. The cabal totals somewhere around two hundred dukes – but of that total, only around thirty to fifty are even semi-regularly active. A member might be able to let one of his fellows borrow some cash, or crash at his house for a while, but a GAC member isn’t going to be calling in significant favors of any kind for the most part. If your caught in a desperate situation, Lila might give you what it takes to get back up on your feet, but she can’t afford to put a chicken in every pot.

Haha, looking for a hierarchy? You’ll find none of that here. It’s a society of like-minded dukes, not a structured cabal. Most people respect – or at least, like – Lila, but she’s got no more sway than anyone else. The group is fairly spread out, the biggest centers being Atlanta, where Lila and Marshall live, and San Diego, where Dusty Jake spends most of his time. Most communication is done by an e-mail ring, though Lila has the cell phone numbers of most of the members.

Lila Kallisti

Lila grew up in the Occult Mainstream, raised by a single-mom hippie with a thing for crystals and a tarot. By the time she was thirteen, she recognized that everything her mom did was utter bullshit, but she was fascinated by the notion of magic and mysticism. She gradually made her way into the Occult Underground, after meeting with a particularly loose-lipped boozehound in a dive bar, five weeks after her twenty-third birthyday. The Dipsomancer went on a bit more than he should have about what he could do after a few drinks, and Lila was more than glad to pay his tab to see if he was telling the truth. After seeing him shoot out a random car’s tires with a magickally projected pool ball, she was willing to believe him.

The boozehound probably would’ve taken her under his wing, but Lila wasn’t fond of the ability of being a slave to the drink. With his parting words, the boozehound bade her a good night, and called her a “Flying Womaaa…oh, my head.” His slurred words had more truth behind them than he knew. Almost unconsciously, Lila began channeling the Flying Woman archetype. After discovering just what she could do, she went on what was essentially an occult joyride, making good use her ability to fly. Eventually, she found a copy of the Principia Discordia, fell in with Entropomancy, and founded the GAC.

Nice, but unfocused. Lila gets bored easily, and is prone to leave things half done. Talking to her is a bit confusing – she goes off on tangents a lot, and makes a great deal of obscure references. Lot easier to talk to if you find her before she’s gotten a lot of sugar in her.

Being free from it all – from the mundane, from other people. Lila embraces freedom from laws, and the chaos that comes with it. (Entropomancy)

Rage: Arsonists. One of the bastards nearly burned down her house when she was just a kid, and she’s had a grudge ever since.

Fear: Losing herself. Lila fears that she might one day be caught up in the normal, and betray her freedom for the sake of acceptance. (Self)

Noble: Decent people on the run from the law. Lila sympathizes with people in trouble for what she calls “little things” – victimless crimes, necessary thefts, and suchlike. She’s got no sympathy for murderers or con men, but she’ll take in someone who had a noble reason.


Body 45 (Unhealthily Thin)
General Athletics 20%, Stay Up Late 10%, Struggle 20%, Working the Thin Girl Look 30%

Speed 60 (Graceful)
Amateur Ballet Dancer 20%, Dodge 15%, Drive 20%, Initiative 30%, Shoot Blindly 20%, Squirrelly Reflexes 20%

Mind 60 (College Graduate)
Conceal 15%, General Education 25%, Notice 20%, Occult Knowledge 25%, Paradigm: Discordianism 40%

Soul 75 (Free Spirit)
Avatar: Flying Woman 70%, Charm 15%, Lie 15%, Magick: Entropomancy 60%

Madness Meters

Violence: 1 Hardened | 2 Failed
Isolation: 1 Hardened | 1 Failed
Helplessness: 0 Hardened | 1 Failed
Unnatural: 2 Hardened | 1 Failed
Self: 2 Hardened | 0 Failed

Lila’s got a decent apartment in Atlanta, and typically has a couple thousand in the bank. Most of the time, she carries a pretty nice camera, her favorite mp3 player, about a hundred dollars in cash (she doesn’t feel like being enslaved by credit card debt), and – if she thinks danger’s likely – a handgun of some sort, typically borrowed from a friend. Lila prefers using public transit (or just flying), but she owns a beat-up Honda that she drives if she has to.

8 thoughts on “The Golden Apple Corps

  1. Stephen Alzis says:

    Hail Eris! All hail Discordia! Fnord!

  2. MCLowell says:

    So what would Paradigm (Discordianism)’s stress gauges be?

    Oh, and technically you’re not supposed to be able to both have a Paradigm and be an adept, but I’m willing to ignore that if you are. 😉

  3. Hotel Detective says:

    So, what are the madness meters for Discordianism?

  4. The Demented One says:

    Damn, forgot to put that…I would think Self as the protected gauge, what with the high focus on individualism, and Violence for the weak gauge.

  5. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    Really? I would figure that maybe Helplessness or even Unnatural would be the protected gauge, what with the focus on Chaos (anything can happen, no worries!) and maybe self as the weak one, because without structure (or a belief in structure) it may be harder to figure out who YOU really are. When anything is possible, what does that make me?

  6. The Demented One says:

    Yeah, but a lot of Discordianism focuses around the individual. It’s up to them to choose which laws they feel like following, and what they want to do.

  7. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    That makes sense. Why violence as the weak side, then? Because most are of a more philosophical/vaguely-but-not-particularly rebellious type rather than a blood and fire rebel type? That is, conceptual-abstract rebels more than concrete-active rebels?

  8. The Demented One says:

    Because, at it’s heart, it’s a lighthearted thing, just as much a joke as it is a religion. You pretty much hit it on the head there.


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